my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Dr Pepper , you make the world taste better

2000-12-03 - 18:37:07
Today started out to be a really good day. Not ag reat day, thus the really good part of the first sentence. I mean, I woke up refreshed, knowing that I had had a good dream, but not remembering it very well. But that is par for the course I suppose. I don�t tend to remember them anyways. Except yesterdays I remember because it was right before I woke up. I wrote it down so that I could remember it and share it with you. Alas I haven�t had the opportunity to write it in the trusty diary yet. Course it was a bit weird. But those are the interesting ones anyway, aren�t they. Who knows all the hidden meanings in them.

Talked to Mel, last night. Things aren�t looking to good. I wish I could put her mind at ease about things, but I don�t think I am the best one for this particular topic. I know you are wondering what I am talking about but as a public diary, I have to edit some of it. Suffice to say, my advice is probably the last thing she needs. Not that I would try to steer her in a direction that would be self beneficial, but I would be thinking along those lines. I just wants what�s best for her. And what I think is best for her, may not be what she thinks is best. Because she has other things to consider.

Work so far is pretty sucky! Really sucky actually. My person didn�t show up for the Calendar store down the hall, so its not open yet. And truth be told its not really abig deal as I have only had 5 sales myself so how much could they possibly do with just selling calendars and a bunch of crap. SOmeone comes in at 12:00 and hopefully my derelict employee will realize he is supposed to be here and show up so that I don�t have to send my other empoyee down there. That wouldbe cruel and unusual punishment. But what aobut the employee who is supposed to work down there. Well they signed up for the job so, they know what to exp[ect as far as that. Its a troublesome thing to have to deal with. Just once I would like aweek to go by where I don�t have tow orry if someone is not going to show up for that place. GRRRRRRR

Saw another interesting thing on the webcam yesterday. You would think that such things wouldn�t be readily accessible. But surprise surprise. Actually you wouldn�t think, people would do such things online for just anybody to see. Yes I know that its just a click away to not see it, but its just a click away to see it too.

I was suppose to create a scavenger hunt in verse, but I lost my inspiration. Byt the time I got home yesterdayt I was too tired to do anything. I didn�t want to do anything. I just watched some stuff of the vcr from earlier in the week and then played on the computer. all in all not a very productive day. I feel a bit queasy right now too. I wanted to just stay home, but no I have to be an adult, damn it!

I don�t know what else to add rightnow. But I will talk at you later. If the fates are so kind as to give me opportunity. If I am here all day .

Okay, so what the hell is wrong with people and not coming to work when they are supposed to!!!!!

People suck!!! Okay, some people just don�t suck as much. Just a little.

Jennifer on the other hand, out of the kindness of her heart, was kind enough to go to Burger King to bringing me lunch and has gone over and above by actually buying it for me. Is that kindness or what. I think so.

So WOrk was a drawn out torture. Well not torture, I did have a good preferred reader day so I shouldn't complain too much. If you work at a bookstore these days and have to sell those discount cards then you know what I mean. But it was a good day. And work wasn't so bad. I had a stomach ache all day though that would come and go. I'll be the first to say its probably my well balanced diet. Cheese Nips and Dr Pepper only goes so far in providing the essential nutrients one needs to survive

It appears as though my dream experiment may be working. Well maybe, there is no scientific proof yet to validate such a statement, and I don't expect the annals of science and medicine to site me in any reference but I'm sure the hotdog and Dr Pepper approach to dreammaking has something. But the dream was a bit weird.

I was outside this classroom of sorts, sweeping of all things and I am listening to this rehearsal going on through an open window above my head, one of those kind that lever open above the doors to like old classrooms. it was this strange light blue hue. then I am inside the classroom watching these three individuals, a frumpy looking girl and two guys one with long hair another person who i recall as rather unremarkable. they are still rehearsing their part and it ends and I proceed to remark how wonderful I thought it went. Saying they were awesome putting my hands together over my head like the top of an "A" and saying awesome. then I point to the frunpy girl and say she was awesome and then to the guy and say he was awesome and to the other guy who then proceeds to roll his eyes and me.

Then I for some reason decide to confront him. (I am usually not a very confrontational person but in this case I was very vocal about his attitude towards my praise.) So I am going on and on about how good they were and he is acting as though they were and then its like I am saying how great they were for the first time that I hear it and that that makes a difference. then the scene changes and i am sitting down in a school desk and all of the sudden I am bombarded with Red water balloons. Don't ask me why but on the inside I am hurt, my feelings, and I just want to get up and leave. But then again this confrontational me goes on the attack. But not maliciously but i go along with it and laugh it up until some time passes and I look at the one person who rolled his eyes at me and as I am leaving I stop and look at him and tell him that that was acting.

then i wake up. Weird. Makes me wonder what it was all about. thus the dream interpretation link below.

I found out that Stephen King is not continuing his The Plant story for awhile after the 6th installment. Which is kind of annoying. But I guess it could be worse. His new book comes out in March which I am looking forward to a great deal. THose of you who don't know it, Stephen King IS awesome! If you are under the impression that his topics are just too scary, you are missing some incredible writing. Just the writing itself is phenomenal. read him if you haven't really.

okay I gotta go for now. But I leave you with places to go, things to see, others to read

Where do you want to go next?

(hopefully the links will work)

neurosis ~ catharsis