my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




another one bites.....teh dust that is

2000-12-16 - 11:14:22
Things I learned from commercials

In The World of Ralp Lauren, all teh pretty people live at POLO.COM !

Sometimes I hate work. Not where I work or what I do, but the fact that I have to work. I know, I know, everybody has to work. Well okay not everybody, especially those independently wealthy lucky bastards, and I say that with the foreknowledge that I want to be one of them, but still, even they have to do something, right or why would Bill Gates still be working. What drives him to stay when he could retire today and live the rest of his life, the rest of many lives (if such a thing existed) without working another second in his life? Anyway I�m just being whiny cuz I have to be here at work and not somewhere else doing anything else.

The day started out pretty crappy. When I have to sit myself down and tell myself that I am going to have a good day, then there is something wrong. Not that such talks are good for the psyche, but it didn�t start out okay. First one of my calendar store employees couldn�t come to work so I have to work at the calendar store for 4 hours. Not that that is a bad thing, Its not very busy there so I have time to be doing this, writing a journal entry. But it is just inconvenient cuz if even though I am writing this I won�t be able to post it since I only have one phone line. And it will be busier in the store so I really shouldn�t be doing this at all when I get to the store. The bad thing is I have to do it all again tomorrow and tomorrow will more than likely be very busy. Hopefully every one will show up for the calendar store, cuz if they don�t then I�ll be a very grumpy person. I�m not a likeable grump either. Okay, I am. Since I am so quick to laugh at anything.

Did you watch Friends It was hilarious. Ross was trying to teach Ben about Hanukkah but then Ben wanted Santa Claus and so he tried to get a Santa Claus outfit but it was two days before Christmas so he found himself dressed as a giant armadillo (the holiday armadillo) Santa�s emissary for the southern states and Mexico! So he starts to tell Ben about Hanukkah when Chandler comes in in a Santa outfit and Ben wants Santa to stay and the holiday Armadillo to leave, only Santa says he wants to hear about Hanukkah. So then the holiday armadillo starts telling about Hanukkah again when Joey comes in as Superman because well he couldn�t find a Santa outfit either, is my assumption. And then Ben gets to hear about Hanukkah and how superman flew all the Jews out of Egypt. I am laughing like a maniacal fool right now. It�s a good thing we don�t have customers. Sadly next week is a rerun. Sigh.

You know I realize that this world is filled with all kinds of people. That�s the way it always has been. And all these people, every single one, view the world in a different way. We all come with our own prejudices and experiences and so everything is different. Some people are freer with their hearts and minds and ideals, some are not. the sad thing is that so many of us are so quick to condemn others for these differences. I am probably as guilty as everyone else. What is the basis for what we consider to be wrong. In the eyes of God, all sin is equal. All sin is pardonable, forgivable. Is this true. Does God not pardon certain sins? And you know what, I have a theory on that. The day we accept Christ as our savior, are we not already pardoned. Did He not die on the cross for every sin we were ever to commit, is it not part of our acceptance of christ as our savior, does that not infer that we acknowledge this truth. the sin that I do tomorrow, is it not already forgiven in the eyes of God, because he knew 2000 years ago that I was going to do whatever I am going to do. Right? I accept Him as my savior and recognize right from wrong and my

actions are supposed to be Christ like, but I�m not perfect, hardly close, but I know that I am forgiven.

My theological beliefs may be flawed, but if anyone readingthis disagrees tell me, we�ll discuss it.

I got an email from a fellow diarist the other day and I had gone to his website and he had some pictures of himself and I told him that some of them he looked like Ricky Schroeder, you know from Silver Spoons, but most recently from NYPD Blue and he wrote back saying that he had been tolkd that before and that he also wasd told he looked like eminem Anyway we sell these posters down at the calendar store and one of them is an Eminem poster and you know what, he�s right, there is a resemblance. Maybe. you�ll have to go to ryanspot [Insert link] and check out the gallery and tell him what you think. And read his journal too. Its pretty good. Chockful of good stuff. Some a little surprising and humourous.

Okay I am neglecting my customers so I better get back to my work before I get too involved in this journal. I will finish tonight sometime and get this copied and pasted into diaryland soon. COurse if you are reading this, then you know that I did.



Well its later and I have to say that the evening went rather smoothly. Even though I had to close. It was a quick and painless closing. So I guess it could have been worse. I tried to get Jennifer to close for me tomorrow, but no, she hardened her heart against such and idea. no matter how pathetic I appeared, it didn't work. Then she let Daniel decide for her and well truthfully I knew it was over then since who wants to close?


Don't you just love Calvin & Hobbes. BTW, that is supposed to be an automatic yes.

okay, i have to go make me some peanut butter and toast. Those of you with a fine palate should choose JIF over that other national brand. I mean choosy moms choose Jif, so you should too.

MMM MMMM MMMM. There's nothing like peanut butter and toast. Except maybe peanut butter and jelly or peanut butter on a bagel or peanut butter and celery. There's some other ones, but tehy sound kinda gross so I won't even go into them. But they're good too.

Okay, I'm gonna go, but before you do scribble me a note

Where do you want to go next?

(hopefully the links will work)


Can you name this cartoon character?

neurosis ~ catharsis