my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




bog-oranges....mmm don't they sound good

2001-02-25 - 08:07:05
My cough seems to be getting worse. Not that I am coughing more, but when I cough now it sorta hurts. That's not supposed to happen right. But now I have this deep deep voice too. If I were black, I'd sound just like Barry White. hello baby let me see you a song now if that just doesn't frighten you, I don't know what will.

Anyway, the sun is shining, which is probably going to be the highlight of my day, excpet that we don't have to sell those damned calendars any more, until starting in July when they start showing up again for 2002. But yesterday was the last day, and Good riddance by golly! HA.

But I do have to go to work and then I have to go over to the other bookstore and help with their inventory. Which is always a delightful time. maybe she'll buy us pizza. mmmmm pizza But the whole days is just wasted. maybe i can use this deep sick sounding voice to my advantage and bow out of this thing. I mean I could do that, right? But it would be bad. I have to be good. Damn those cursed morals and ethics of mine. I guess it doesn't count that i dropped my ethics class and so I am rejecting the whole idea of ethics existing and so i shouldn't be in a quandary over such things. no I thought not

Well teh wacky pack me is off to New Orleans, well technically not the whole pack, as I'm not going, (granted I am the fifth column and have failed miserably at abdicating the illustrious 5th position) and no one will let me put an h next to my name either. Anyway I'm not gonna be there and Michael's not going and well I guess Paige isn't going either, so technically its just the monarchy that's going. but the reserve members are in full force what with Trey and his Melissa going. I am sure a delightful time will be had by all, I mean if they can't have fun in the most hedonistic town on mardi gras then somebody somewhere just missed the boat. jenni is intent on getting her a whole lot of beads and getting them the New Orleans Mardi Gras legitimate way so any of you revelers who might be out and about in New Orleans, don't be stingy with the Beads.

Well I reckon that's about it for this mornings entry. I will bore you later with the day at work that never ended, tonight. I know you'll wait with bated breath, but in the mean time you should read

Toneloca, she makes me smile


Japonika, well she just amazes me

or you can mosey a little ways down this page and read my livejournal. Its entertaining in its own right. although not near as substantial as this wondrous diaryland. ha

okay I gotta go put the trusted steed back together so I can go hi ho silver to work!

talk atcha later


neurosis ~ catharsis