my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




okay, so its not really quality we're looking for but quantity

2001-03-12 - 08:45:10
I have to say, well okay "have" is a strong word, but man I gotta tell ya, the joy i felt from being quoted at QUOTED I'm almost over it though, but still it was good to see me quoted. My ego has grown substntially since then. Now, now, now, this is not the catrastrophic event you might imagine it to be. According to Freud, the ego is the good part of the personality. Now if my ego has grown, then I have become a more centered person. I really have. I am self actualize, individuated, my ideal self and my real self are closer together in harmony. That's what that is supposed to mean. Not that I have a big head and believe I am on top of the world. Heck no, that's not it at all.

Well my friend Jen and her friend Michelle are off on their Backstreet Boy extravaganza. I know what your thinking, truly is it really an extravaganza. well yes it is. They have 5 concerts in 5 different locations, some of them not even in the same state. They're going to have the time of their lives. That would qualify as an extravaganza wouldn't it? of course it does. And so I get to resort b ack to my INFP personality behavior while she is gone. I c an hear time slowing down even as I type this. Now I don't want you to think that its all rush rush rsuh or anything quite like that, but we INFP types need our time and when you are doing all this stuff, well your time seems to slip by you before you know it. So now its just a tickin' by like a Country Time Lemonade commercial, slow and lazy and hazy sunshine and birds whistling. Its nice and quiet. I like my quiet time. Now Ms Jenni, if you are reading this, do not, I repeat do not read into this that you are anything but the nice person that you are. I know how you think, and you will think the worst. WELL STOP IT RIGHT NOW MISSY! We'll have none of that.

Anybody reading this from London, England. I'm curious if you know the connection number for AOL over there. I found one but I don't know if its the right one for LONDON. it just says Southeast and London is pretty much southeast England so i figure its the right one. Isn't technology grand.

I wish I had something delightfully witty to write today, but I am not feeling that delightfully witty. Sigh. Perhaps this evening I will have the joy of wit about me. I might just take my laptop to work with me. then i can write something anything worth reading. WOuldn't that be great.

Right now i need to do something. I don't know exactly what yet, but sitting here is driving me bonkers. I was supposed to b e mailing out another book I sold on ebay but I haven't heard from my purchasers concerning payment. Which really irritates me, well not really.. but still an extra 80 bucks for london would be nice.

okay, I gotta go. read me later.


oh and if you haven't already, you should become a gold memeber. really. not so much for the prestige and honor of calling yourself a gold member, but really to help the people behind diaryland. And it cost virtually nothing. Virtually nothing. And I know what you're thinking virtually nothing, is still something. Well that's what they need. something. it'll help. consider it your good deed for the day or if you aren't much for a good deed for the day, then week, month, years. They'll love you for it. Well okay love might be a strong word, but still the appreciative email will warm the cockles of your heart.

and speaking of gold membership perhpas you can help me. I am trying to create a little banner for my site that they will use and these are the ones I've made so far. I'm a bit sick of the vicariously, me idea so I'm changing. perhaps you can tell me which one YOU like best. See this is democracy at work here people!


i'm still working on other ones too, but any opinions would be cool too.

I personally like the catharsis one better, only because the lone diarist seems a bit nihilistic in nature. Maybe that's just me. but I thought it looked a little cool too. grin

neurosis ~ catharsis