my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




when is it too early too early!

2001-03-15 - 07:42:42
You know this buddy list on diaryland, is so damn convenient it makes me wish I had more buddies to read. It tells me right away who of you that I do read has updated. Really its pretty damn cool.

Another day another dollar. Well I wouldn't call it a dollar, what with taxes and more taxes and more taxes its like 13 cents but hey 13 cents, if they were shiny pennies right into the fountain they could go, to the wishing well faeries. They like the shiny ones you know. But anyway.

Not much to tell. I was up way too early this morning, again. What's up with that. its bad enough that I have to wake up and go to work in the morning instead of the afternoon( not bad by the way I'd rather do morning than afternoon) but to wake up when the moon is still high in the early early morning sky is somewhat annoying. It was shining in through my window and I just rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. that wasn't happening. So I rolled back over and watched it glide quietly across the sky until it was actually morning and i was waking back up again. Still it was before the alarm clock goes off which is annoying in and of itself. I like my sleep. and its suppose to like me.

You want to read a hilarious diary read this one ban sporks! Very amusing. Those little banners that the GOLD MEMBERS get to create brings you to the most amazing of diarylands. Click 'em, you'll see.

Anyay, I really don't have anything to say except YAWN but that's just rude. But i didn't get much sleep so you'll have to forgive me.

Brand new episode on this evening. so it looks like its going to be a good day.

And look, the sky is blue and the sun is shining. Enjoy it while you can cuz its just a matter of time before the rains come again.

You know we are already 6 inches above normal. 6 inches. What does that tell you. besides that mother nautre doesn't really like me all that much. COurse I have to grant you that she did give me a sunny ride home yesterday and it was supposed to rain, but she got it all over and done with before i got off work. So she ain't all that bad. Course don't tell her i said that.

okay I have to go and sell some preferred reader cards today. I really do. They frown when you don't sell those cards. Anybody want a card. I sell you one. really I don't mind at all. Plus you get that wonderful 10% off your books, at all waldenbooks. How could you not like that. How?

So anyway. its morning, i'm up, the day is beautiful. What more could I ask for. Okay the million dollars. but I don't see that happening today. but it could. I'll keep you informed.


neurosis ~ catharsis