my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




so you're lookin for something to read

2001-03-16 - 20:37:07
I had dinner with my mother today at Bennigans and she was carded for her beer. My Mother. Granted she doesn't look like she's as old as she is, but she certainly doesn't look young enough to be carded. The waitress was insistenet. I laughed out loud. Real loud. i called her mom and everything. The waitress wasn't swayed. I laughed again. My mother dug through her purse, pulled out her library card, her Kroger's grocery card, her name tag from the hospital and then finally her Driver's license. I laughed. It was silly really. My mother. Carded for a Miller lite.

I got to tell her about my pending trip to london. We went in October to and toured England Ireland Scotland and Wales and it was a great trip but it was also so rushed everything squeezed into the least amount time possible. And I loved London almost the best so i had to go back. it was a spur of the moment thing. thank goodness for Credit cards. Charge charge charge. That was my mantra. credit cards and high credit limits. What more can a person want.

Anyway look over to your left. you can leave me a little message if you want right there and now. it'll be cool. i can come back and see you left your mark. Do that. right there to your left. if you want one of your own you can go to here and just follow the links. I thought it was cool. So should you.

Today was pretty much teh same as every other day. Pretty monotonous and long. Not too long. I've h ad longer days but still.

I'm expecting my limited edition George R R Martin book in the mail this week . I've been waiting for this baby since July then october and now finally they are mailing them out this week. So hopefully by Friday i will have it in my hand. Hopefully. I can't wait. leather bound. Guilted edges autographed and lettered. I love my books. Plus the Stephen King Universe book should be here any day now too. Another limited edition book by cemetary dance press. I just visited the website who publishes stephen king limited editions anbd found out that the sequel to The Talisman, The Black House is due in September 15! The Talisman is my second favorite book by Stephen King. I'm siked!

there's other stuff I want to write about but I'm at a loss. but you should read fabian cuz he writes a damn fine diaryland and he is just tremendously talented and I read his diaryland and it opens my eyes. seriously.

neurosis ~ catharsis