my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the cemetary that smelled like pot and other stories of hickville usa

2001-03-30 - 10:57 a.m.
boy it suddenly got crowded in here. cool. put a little banner ad out here and people just pop in like that were compelled against their very will. COurse those 10,000 banner ads will be gone before I know can i get more....oh I know, any of you who are even contemplating signing up for GOLD MEMBERSHIP, if you were drawn into it by someone else, well there's a spot on there that says who made you want to join gold membership, well if you could put andrewhobbs in there, they'll give me more banners. that i would appreciate. cuz well i slaved over that banner and sweated blood and tears,....okay that's a big fat lie, but still i want more people to see it and to be drawn in and compelled against their will to read the ramblings of the egocentrical at all.......

now hmmm, where to begin. When last we saw our heroes they were traversing to parts unknown, (well known, insofar as we were there the night before) in search of a haunted little cemetary. In the wee hours of the morning we traversed the hills and valleys, the fog covered backroads of this little berg known as Agnes in search of her little cemetary. Did you know that little towns have lots of cemetary. We found 4, and yet we still didn't find the one we were looking for. this little town of 1692 had more cemetaries that they had convenience stores.

Well the gang and we'll call us that for the time being, even though it was a bit fractious, drove and drove and drove and drove. my ass was having a sense of deja-vu from the previous night except for the fact that there was at least cushion i was sitting on this time. But when all was said and done, we still didn't find said haunted cemetary with said haunted glowing tombstone.

we did find a cemetary though and we were going to enter against the admonitions of a ibg sign saying violators will be prosecuted. I was pretty much gung ho, despite the police officers that were just down the road and the FINA station drinking their early mroning coffee and despite the number of people in our group, but when I caught the whif of doobie wafting through the air, I sort of had misgivings. Lots of misgivings. Lets do an invetory shall we. We had candles, a ouiga board a bag of sweet & low, you know for the pentegram that they wanted to draw on the ground, and then we had a couple of pot smoking freaks who 5 minutes earlier were expressing doubt about parking in the light in the event that the cops or anyone comes strolling along, but with a few puffs it was hell lets desecrate and disturb spirits. needless to say I thought we should go and started walking back to the cars. I wasn't about to get caught by a few backwater policeman while someone had a stash of pot in their car and were probably well ontheir way to happiness everlasting. I was being the voice of reason. So we, at least the poeple in our car, head back to the car got in and tried to persuade the other folks to come along. Trey, had already climbed over the fence with Ouiga board in hand, high as a kite and went to light of his candles. Melissa was in the car bawling because of her happy little high,cuz trey had flipped. We tried to get Paige to come in our car but she was hesitant since she has come in their car and Wade was being very wishy washy about the whole thing taking both people sides at once so as not to piss off any individual. he was pissed at Trey but it was him that invited him and we were pissed at them because they brought and decided to smoke the pot and well being the voice of reason I told Chris to just drive. Otherwise we would be talking back and forth trying to decided what we should do. So we drove and waited a bit down the hill to make sure they were leaving and then we were off.

Just to set the record straight for anyone reading this, it was me, not chris or michael or jennifer who decided we should leave. It was me. they get none of the blame, well maybe chris as he was driving but i argued away his hesitation. i was not going to sit there and argue in front of a cemetary with people smoking pot. I get all the blame. So anyone feeling the need to be pissed at anyone imagine me pointing a finger at me. I did it. And I would do it againt. It was iresponsible to invite them knowing that they had that crap in the first place. Just for the record Chris didn't want to leave Wade or Paige with them but both of them were expressing their hesitation to leaving trey and Melissa so I made the decision for them. Cuz truthfully I don't want to be disliked, but I didn't deserve to be put in a situation like that and not have a voice as to what we were doing. I claimed voice of reason, I spoke, we drove. end of story.

after we drove away we did try and find the cemetary again before venturing back to civilization. Still success wasn't ours to be had. We looked high and lo. nothing but another graveyard.

The roads were playing tricks on us though. We were passing road signs only to turn around and the signs would be different or we'd be driving on a road only to come out and up to a the road we thought we were driving on cuz we hadn't turned off the road we just turned around in a driveway and the next thing we know we pass the road that we were on. it was a bit freakin, a gibbous moon floating above the clouds and fog rolling in the low spots and signs changing and well it was an adventure.

other than that, the day was pretty uneventful

Friends was cool. I laughed. And who's line is it anyway...hilarious as usual....sachool went well except for missing philosophy again.

And that as they say was my day. Oh and the people at Taco Bueno, bless their pea pickin' hearts gave us too much bueno. sigh....something went right.

now i have to go and sell books to a bunch of authors at a bookfair over in Dallas. Do you hear the enthusiasm in my voice, the excitement. The joy. Well its all in there. All of it. Man of man, does it get any better. I want to go to sleep. I really would love to just lay down and sleep forever. I'm looking forward to Sunday at 6:30. Cuz then i have 4 days off and i can just have all the sleeping I want.

oh and the sun has finally come out. its shining. clouds are casting shadows again, the kind you can watch move across the extremely green earth. its nice

okay. I gotta go. I have a stress inducing review to finish, a business plan, mission statement and vision statement to prepare for the powers that be in the hierarchy at work. Such is the joy htat is retail.

~bye for now

neurosis ~ catharsis