my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




putt putt for the fun of it.....but i will still kick ass

2001-03-31 - 2:11 a.m.
Not to boast, okay not to boast too much, okay I am going to boast a little. I am the putt putt champion of the world. okay I went from boasting to downright stretching the truth a little. well okay a lot. Okay I beat 5 people and my score was a 49 so okay, i am not the putt putt champion of the world, but I still won, and you know what it all boils down to is I am the winner and they were all losers. Yeah I rock. Its true you know, just check my guestbook. Those people know what they are talking about.

So I come home from a long hard day's work and expect to be able to go to bed at a half way decent hour (yeah I know, what's the fun in that) but then Jenni calls and says she wants to go play putt putt, and I think to myself, I don't want to go play putt putt, I want to go to bed at a decent hour, I want to be able to get up and at least think to myself I had a good night's sleep, but then the phone gets passed to Chris, and I figure if I don't just cave now i will have to listen to everyone try to persuade me to kick their asses at Putt Putt. So I caved early on.

So I sat at the apartment reading this new history/biography I bought about King Charles I. I had to straighten a little or rather move everything around a little clean off the coffee table so it didn't look like I was a complete slob and then Isat down and read for a couple of minutes. Its a good book.

Then we were off to Putt Putt and we played video games, skee ball and scat cat and pod racers where I sucked like nobody should ever suck, but video games are not my forte' they never have been. Then everybody else played another car racing game while I watched, I know when I suck and you should only suck so much before you start making a fool of yourself.

The putt putting was good fun. and not just cuz I won either, though that was an added bonus, one that made the fact taht we left at 2:00 a.m. not so bad a thing. I'm not the least bit tired when this time yesterday as we were driving through the deep foggy woods of Agnes/Springtown I was a little on the tired side.

Hanging out with people who are younger than you is really refrshing sometimes. These are refreshing people. Fun people. Good people. Course any of you good people reading things, can't hold me to this. I will deny it to my dying breath, I will. As a matter of fact, maybe, just maybe I'm not typing this, maybe someone is standing behind me, holding a knife to my throat and I am just dictating everything, except the last part about someone holding a knife to my throat because, well, who would have me dictate that they were golding a knife to my throat, right? But all that aside, its good to have friends. It really is. Although at times it can be very trying, VERY trying. Today was not a trying day however so set your minds at east.

okay I gotta get a little sleep before I find myself sleeping late and having to listen to MS Baker gripe at me. And I have people to blame for keeping me awake too.

G'night! Sleep tight and take care of you


neurosis ~ catharsis