my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Andrew reawakens and takes up commerical direction

2001-05-02 - 8:27 a.m.
How to say this without sounding like a complete moron. You know sometimes I read what i write the next day and wonder just what the hell I was thinking. Like anybody and their dog would really care. Course its then that I realize I am not writing this for anybody and if that is the case then I really shouldn't be writing one in the first place. But I read what i wrote yesterday, or rather in the wee hours of this morning, and it sounded so melodramatic. I don't know, maybe you didn't read it, Maybe I am writing this just for myself. Well I know there are a couple of other people who read this, but still. Am I just psychotic, neurotic, quirky, bitchy, stupid, or as I fear a bit normal just like everybody else with their concepts of love? Am I? I realize the irony in putting that little link there, if this is indeed a diary and not a social explanation of my existence then why would I need input, but like the saying goes, no man is an island, (unless he's flat and has a palm tree growing out of his belly button out in the middle of the ocean) I'm not saying I need advice or anything, but you know, input, is always good. Right now, I should be working on my personality paper, 5 long arduous pages about me. Talk about dry reading. She hasn't exactly told us what form its supposed to be in, so i am considering writing it in letter form, Sort of a "dear me, you are...." At the very least it ought to be original. We'll see. That's going to be the whole of my days effort, trying to write me a letter telling me what a psychotic neurotic all around mentally healthy giant that i am. Wish me luck.

then I am supposed to spend some time with Ms Jenni. She has to go to the doctor this morning, She's falling apart. So a nice stress free day at the park ought to do us nicely. Bring a book. COurse its all gray outside, the first official day off I've had since I came back from London and its gray outside. Its been phenomenal weather everyday since my return. What's it like on my first day off, gray and cloudy. If it rains, then my theory is true, the fates are plotting against me. I should put that in my personality paper. Maybe I'll write myself into a wonderfully white jacket with the sleeves that tie around the back. Wouldn't that be great. They should sell those at the Gap. Can you imagine a Gap commercial with a bunch of waif like teenagers dancing around in their straight-jackets, maybe running along the beach like in One Who Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest a la Jack Nicholson. I think it would work. Gap Crazy can be the slogan. Sure it works. And then the next commercial could be Paxil

from Glaxo SmithKline. Treats social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, depression, and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD. You know, its the 1ST FDA approved SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor)for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

I hate those commercials. They sound like the end all cure all, when we all know that's NyQuil, and then they have this big long list of warnings. that range from the possible sympton in the first place to bleeding hemmoraging, liver failure. I mean my goodness. Isn't there like a weed in South America growing on the jungle floor or a fungus growing on the bark of a tree that I can chew on that will relieve all that anxiet without all the side effects. These big drug corporations, I can only shake my head.

Anyway, where was I before I found myself directing commercials for television?

I don't know what I am doing after the park.

We'll see. Right now I have to go figure out a bill paying error. How can the bank send itself a payment from one of its own accounts and then not get it? You have to wonder about the efficiency of technology sometimes. Well actually you don't cuz it screws up all the time. Which of course isn't true, its teh people running the technology that screw up.

Okay talk at you later

andrew, apparently abbreviated to 'drew at times

neurosis ~ catharsis