my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the bringer of death

2001-06-03 - 7:20 a.m.
June 3rd. Somebody switched time to fast forward. trhis year is flying by faster than it should be. Feels like it was just January and here it is, the year is almost half over. its a good thing I am going to live forever or I'd be in big trouble. Cuz at this rate, forever isn't going to be that long. Sheesh.

Its Sunday and I have to go back to work today. Those of you who are intuitive can probably sense the underlying joy in my tone. And those who are really intuitive can sense the sarcastic underlying tone. I shouldn't ever have trhee days off in a row. yes i know i was celebrating the fact not three days ago, but what a difference three days make. It just wipes away whatever efferevescence one might have for going to work.

It was a nice three days off though. And yesterday was good, albeit a bit quiet. And you already know about the phones on Friday. Apparently one of the main phone line centers for like 10 prefixes in the area had their service disrupted by a small little flood in the building. not that I missed that many phone calls. But I was only mad for like half the day after I got home from doing stuff with friends.

Yesterday I didn't do anything but hang out by the pool until too many people decided to go swimming too. Then I just sat on the porch and read as the trusty computer downloaded music from gnutella network. Then my mom came by with young Mr Keegan, Only the best little nephew on the planet. Especially since he loves his uncle andy. He proceeded to make a mess of things and con me out of like 12 bucks. Course that's not hard, (for him) Don't try that at home folks. Then Trish and James came over. They're moving to Kentucky on Wednesday. James is my twin, in case any of you are wondering. He is nothing like me. He would probably laugh his ass off before starting a diaryland journal. We are day and night. I'm a pacificist. He would be delighted beyond his years if people thought of him as the bringer of death. I'm telling you, day and night. If two people could be more opposite my brother would probably kick their ass and tell them otherwise. I would of course follow up with an apology, tell them, he's crazy and needs professional help. He was kicked off the football team in the 9th grade because he hit too hard in his tackles. Anyway he and the fam are moving to Kentucky. He used to live in Colorado Springs when he was in the Army. he just went active again and got transferred. he's taking his dining room table back with him. I think he was just using my apartment as extra storage. My living room light, the papasan on the back porch and the dining room table are all his. plus h e brought over this terribly hard couch that he got from one of his places of employment. I had to wash the cushion covers SEVERAL times before I covered them up with several blankets and pillows to make it even remotely sufferable. But I am keeping everything but the table. I never used it anyway. Now I have room for a lazyboy. I need to rearrange my books. need some more bookshelves too.

this entry is a bit lackluster. I'm still a bit uninspired. That dream taht was suppse to have all the answers, alas you might recall I seldom remember my dreams. So i might have had the dream, but the answers are all lost in the unconscious....such is my luck.

I guess I should go get ready for work. still have a couple of hours. I could go out and read on the back porch.

Well the alarm clock went off which means its 8:00 a.m. time to get going, get my lazy butt in gear. Not that I am lazy, I mean I've been up since the alarm went on at 6:00 so.... but still.

Did I mention this was a lame entry.

I have ants crawling all over my computerdesk. they're starting to piss me off. I think their addicted to the Dr Pepper. Poor things, I know how they feel. Except I don't have someone squishing me when I crawl across the desk for a drink. they have it doubly bad. its a littel obstacle course. Run between the crevaces in the speakers, dodge under the printer, quick under the cordless telephone, okay you see the glistening can of dr pepper. all you need to is scale the slick aluminum side and your home free. Oh my god, what is that?! Its a giant finger and I'm about to be squ...... And then the background music blares....another one bites the dust. Damn ants. that'll teach'em I can be the bringer of death too, but on a much smaller scale.

okay I gotta go. I'm verbally assaulting the ants. its the first step. next thing you know it;ll be death and destruction.

talk to you soon. and read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis