my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




In the fiery pits of hell recides a city known as Fort Worth. ITS HOT!!!!

2001-07-24 - 9:49 a.m.
I'm waiting for the whole world to ignite into a big fiery ball of flame. And the sad part about that is that I'd still have to go to work. The whole world consumed by fire and I'll be walking through its ashy remnants needing a new job cuz well books aren't very fire resistant. I'm sorry you would all be dead because you weren't very prepared for this eventual outcome but I would be thinking of you all very highly. But until I can write about the world and its fiery demise I guess I should go back and review the past couple of days.

I had an awesome entry yesterday morning before going to work, it was really good. Dripping with wit and sarcasm, adroitly mixed with the minutiae that is my life. I know what you're thinking, I want to read it, I want to read it. Alas, poor reader, it is gone. you will just have to hope that some how a credible reproduction might come of me.

my apartment looks terribly lived in right now. No really. It looks terrible. And I have about this much energy and resolve to clean it any time soon. its a good thing I'm off tomorrow. I have to do laundry too. I had planned on doing that the other day but the idea of getting all my laundry and lugging it to the laundry mat in this heat was enough for me to burrow deep into my bed sheets and pretend I'd already done laundry. I think I am going to try out to be a poster boy for "don't wear that".

The weekend was filled with all kinds of work and more work. I did take a reprieve from work to go and watch America's Sweethearts. Jennifer from Austin came up for the weekend and we watched the movie after work on Saturday. She made me watch it with her. And since she was going to be here anyway. Sunday night after another delightful day at work, we went to Bass Hall and enjoyed an evening of theatre.
It was pretty good, though the second act was much better than the first, in my humble opinion. I was waiting patiently for this one character to meet his untimely demise, alas it didn't happen that way at all. That Hyde character was on a killing spree though. But I guess you knew that. It was really good though. Most of the singing was really good and the acting was good and all in all, I'd give it a B+.

After Jekyll & Hyde I showed her my London pictures cuz she finally made it back up here. Course she might try to tell you that it was because I forgot to bring them down to Austin when I visited. Of course that would be wrong. Wrong!

Michael Z must have been really bored the other day cuz he ended up at the mall visiting the bookstore. I would say he dropped by to say hi and all that but since I ended up answering questions that he didn't even ask, like "how have you been, I'm just going to assume that he really just needed that JCWhitney catalog really bad.

What else, oh yeah to one disgruntled person who missed lunch on Friday because of this wretched person, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Monday I wa supposed to work, but Martha took pity on me because of my long drawn out week last week and let me take a holiday day that I didn't get to take on the 4th of July cuz I was on vacation. So I had a paid day off. It felt good to have a day off. Really good. I started cleaning my apartment, got the vacuum cleaner out vacuumed the little dining room that really isn't a dining room and part of the lviing room, I even moved the couch and vacuumed under there. Kind of scary the stuff you find under a couch. Mostly it was chocolate, so it wasn't too scary. Then Paige, Wade and I all went to Remember When. Its a really cool collector and memorabilia store over in Farmers Branch. I was hoping to find a poster of Hearts in Atlantis. I saw the preview at the theatre when I saw America's Sweetheart. So naturally I have to have the poster. The movie comes out September 28th!!

The book is probably one of my all time favorites by him. the writing is tremendous and has a nostalgic feel to it. Its incredible. The preview looks good too. Though they had to change some of the stuff in it, its still going to be awesome.

Alas Remember When is closed on Mondays so we ended up empty handed. But I did get a really tasty strawberry banana shake at Wendy's cuz they had to stop and go to the bathroom.

Afterwards we moseyed over to Irving Mall and ate lunch and I made Wade go into Hot Topics, where I'm sorry they have some ugly clothes. No, no they do. But, I've already mentioned how badly I dress so I can say this with impunity. Ugly. After Irving Mall we went to Walmart for a bag o fun of outside activity things. Then we went to Linda Spurlock park and tried to play Frisbee....oh excuse trademark infringement....we played with a crappy spin X flying disk that could glide on air if it had wings. Or maybe it was just the people throwing it. Then we played the jai a lai which was aptly name jai lite, not because it was it was infringing but because all the jai a lai ewquipment that we had probably weighed less than an actual jai a lai ball. Ours was more a wiffle ball that couldn't hurt anything. Paige can attest to that as she beam herself on the head trying to catch it.

We played with tennis ball with the velcro catching things, which truth be told was the coolest and easiest thing to use. It also had like a badminton set and some horseshoes game. It was a grand ol sweaty time after which we ended up going to my apartment and going swimming. Which was good. Swimming good. Very good. it has to be one of my favorite past times. Then we watched my Friends DVD an ate some junk food pizza pockets, and taquitos. Then everybody went home, I signed online to read everybody's updates and then I went to bed, ah comfortable sweet airconditioned house and bed. And I woke up this morning and thought, you know an update is in order. So here you go. An update. in all its mundanacity. Porbably not a word but so what. GRIN. Read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis