my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




i don't even remember this entry

2001-07-21 - 10:42 a.m.


1 to 3 ounces of alcohol a day is supposed to reduce the chances of heart disease. So here's to your health!!!!

Supposed to be having lunch with Jenni today. I'm thinking about a big pile of Cheese Fries at one of the better cheese fry establishments. You know the perfect meal would have to be a bottomless Dr Pepper, Chicken Nachos from Cafe Brazil, Cheese Fries from Cheddars and then a pint of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food Ice Cream. Granted I would be miserably ill for hours to come but the experience would most assuredly be nirvana. My mouth is watering now. I'm hungry, where is that girl? Alas we can't have the perfect meal, since the perfect meal consists of several different places and things, so I will only get to partake of a partially perfect meal. Cheese Fries. I haven't had those in awhile. Another day perhaps the construction of the perfect meal will take place. Until that day its just partial perfect on a table of mediocrity.

I have to work again tomorrow. Not that its a bad thing, Cuz chances are it will be busy, it being a saturday and all, then I am supposed to go watch America's Sweetheart with jennifer from Austin.

Then Sunday afterwork I have tickets to

at the Basshall. I'm so damned cultured I don't know what to do with myself sometimes. hehehehe.

Its 10 minutes to 2:00 in the a.m. and I am about to go to bed. My older brother and his soon to be stepson have left with the futon (no not that kind of futon) my younger brother and his family have left. And my twin brother and his family are bedding down for their last night in town before they head back home in the morning. Its been one of those long days. I was almost going to have the place to myself cuz they were going to be staying at Ben's tonight but they changed their mind. Which while an inconvenience for me is probably for the best. But by this time tomorrow they'll be back in Kentucky and I'll be fast asleep not looking forward to work in the morning. Isn't that always the case?

I did have lunch with Ms Jenni as well as stocked up on the essential Dr Pepper at WalMart. Its amazing how much Dr Pepper one can get for 20.00 at walmart. Seriously! But I am stocked up for a while now. Its a joyous feeling. We also went to the 75% off book store. It was an okay bookstore. not great by any means but I did manage to get away with only 3 books.

I did drink anything this evening although i was sorely tempted but everybody else was drinking and I didn't want to I guess. I guess it was the whole extra day of hosting that took it out of me, plus everybody was here and I don't know but rest assured its just a matter of time before I crack open a bottle and pour me a shot or two to tide me over for the evening. A nice night cap as it were.

I guess that's all I really have to say. Yeah, I know, too much excitement. Its a pretty boring entry I know. But I will work on them I promise.

Read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis