my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




nutshell in a day

Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2001 - 3:34 A.M.
SO it was a good day. No really it was. A really good day I mean it started out great, woke up this morning, fixed myself a Dr pepper, which is the best wake me up this side of, well I don't know but its always a good wake me up for me. And then I read some of my Stephen King book. Which is awesome and getting better with each page, if I do say so myself I didn't like the way they were writing it to begin with, it was kinda sing songy type of we are going to go this way as we glide through the air.....but now man oh man is it the bomb!!! SO naturally everyone of you needs to go out and get you a copy and read it. Right now. Okay not right now as you really should finish reading this entry cuz, well its a good entry, ain't it?

Then I had lunch with my friend Carolyn. I haven't talked to her in awhile. She just got herself a beautiful little hyundai, its a silver hatchback. Its her first brand new car and it was just so beautiful. I was its first passenger and I think it bonded to me like a little duck bonds to its mama. She liked me, I could tell. Silver minx.

Then I went to work. Work was good. It was abit slow, but still it was a good day. Actually worked and even more amazing was tha Derek actually worked. I was kinda shocked. Really. He usually doesn't work, but he got a bug or something. Not that it lasted the whole night or anything but still we worked plenty and then we slacked off the last two hours. He entertained me with his shopping stories. He's just recently received credit cards and well I'm afraid he is a bit of a compulsive shopper. Not that I can blame him, mind you,I know I've been down that road already once and am well on my way down the road again, but he's had these cards less than 2 months and man oh man has he racked up some bills. I mean a nice stereo system for his car, he just bought a bedroom set and lots more clothes. Its kinda scary watching it happen. I've already filled him in on my credit history as a horror story of what could happen but young people have this idea of invincibility about them. They can't help it.

I don't know who is all coming tomorrow but The Enterprise premiere is tomorrow and I erroneously double booked myself for which I apologize immensely for doing so. But it is going to be on tomorrow. I think someone is taping it since people have to work till close and are coming over after work.

Then Thursday is the premiere of Friends and I am having the lasagna special. Everyone, and you all know who you are, are invited. I would like to know by Wednesday midnight to know who is all coming. I"m already going to assume that Ms Jenni is going to be here. Wade is going to be here and Ms Paige. Christan is supposed to be here. Invitation is open to Michael Jess and Katherine too, consider yourself expected. Cuz besides my awesome lasagna, and it is awesome by the way, IT'S FRIENDS!!!!! Premiere!!!!!! Need you any more reason than that.

Anyway I got sidetracked.

After work, Paige Christan and Wade came over and we watched a horrid horrid horrid movie called Tom Cats. Anyone in their right mind who liked that movie in any form or fashion should be shot countless times. It stunk worse than anything I've seen in a long time. And I've seen some pretty crappy movies recently. Afterwards Wade and I went to the gym for a workout. It wasn't a very good work out as we haven't been in 4 days and while the weight portion of the workout went well, the running was just a bad idea all the way around. First I tried to run way too fast and I had a steep incline that I was trying to run with and it was the hill program to begin with. I had to stop way too early and rest. It was rather pathetic actually, but now I know better.

After the workout it was home where I sat and read some diaries and commented and wrote. Now I am contemplating a few wonderful chapters of the Stephen King book before I go to bed. I am usually not a night person and I am usually not up at 3:15 in the morning,. but the workout and more than likely the poptart seems to have enlivened me abit. Plus I was hoping to talk to someone online before I went to bed but no one seems to be up and on line at the moment. In a nutshell, that was my day.

read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis