my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




peace rallies in canada?

Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2001 - 9:38 A.M.
so yesterday was.

had to work. worked with Derek. I'd say I worked with Randy and Gene too but Gene was at the kiosk all day and Randy, well I have no idea what the hell he did all day, but they were there too. technically.

Then the gang were suppose to head on out to the haunted house and they drove all the way out there and they got there and they were closing. Someone didn't check the time on the web site to see that it was only open till like 10:00 on Sunday. I won't say that I found it ironically funny, but I laughed when Wade called. I am glad I didn't go cuz I would have been perturbed had I ridden all the way out there to see the lights go out. grrrr. so then they decided they wanted to go eat. I didn't want to go eat so they went to eat. Its amazing that if I decide not to go, its that I don't want to hang out with people and it has nothing to do with the fact that I just don't want to do something. If other people don't want to do it, its perfectly fine, if its me, well apparently I'm, well apparently, there's all sorts of reasons for the things that I do or don't do as it were.

Was supposed to go to 24hour fitness but someone didn't show up even after asking me umpteen times if I wanted to go and umpteen times saying I'd go.....anyway, I woke up this morning on the couch freezing my ass off cuz all I was wearing was a T-shirt and a pair of shorts to workout in. grrrrrr. if I get a cold you will know my wrath. rest assured. grin

today has started out pretty crappy too. Besides the fact that I woke up freezing to death, Ms Baker called me disenchanted with the Mad Libs that we did that contained her in it. I put it in her locker ,thinking its a mad Lib, its funny....apparently it was not. I mean Wade's was hilarious. Trust me,I laughed and laughed and laughed. and then I laughed some more.

The one bright spot of the day so far is the fact thatI am talking with Mel. Haven't talked to her since she went on vacation to Florida. Course I always end up talking to her when I have to go somewhere and can't talk forever. Like I have class to go to in a little bit. I still didn't get the chance to read my short story that we are suppose to have read by class time.

I almost played hookie today. But Mel talked me into going. She said I never know what I was going to pick up. She was right. The story which I didn't get to read but read during class as we discussed it was a brilliant piece of writing. It had so many levels and well it was really good. I need to read it again to give it more of my attention than just half. But it was a good story. And our discussion of it, fortunately I had read enough of it to have a little bit of input and not be like the other few people who hadn't read it and had to confess to the fact. silly people, never confess just nod your head knowingly. Anyway the class was good. Now here I am contemplating my own short story that we have to have written and printed up for class next Monday.

My hundred candles idea doesn't seem to be catching on so well. what hundred candles idea? well what I have decided to do is light a 100 candles, you know those little tea light candles and at first I didn't know when but I figure October 11 at 8:45 am I would light these 100 candles in memorium of the tragedy. Anyway I've heard from two other people who thought it was a good idea. I mean the candles are fairly inexpensive at any garden ridge or whatever $7.97 at the most when they aren't on sale and a box of matches and I am going to light them all and let them burn themselves out. Suffice to say anyone who is going to do this themselves, really should find a safe place away from anything flammable, say the driveway or a parking lot or any cement covered area. but that's what I am going to do. Hopefully by then I will have found a really big flag too. I want a flag a really big flag. I had to make one until I am able to find one. Its not the most beautiful of flags and has no stars cuz I couldn't find any, but still from afar it looks all right and put a light behind it and it looks pretty cool too. but is still rather lacking in construction. But its the thought that counts right?

that's what I am going to tell myself, any ways.

I was listening to the news yesterday and I was somewhat surprised that in Canada they are holding peace rallies hoping that the US doesn't decide on military action against the terrorists who just killed over 6,000 innocent people, because they didn't want more innocent people killed. I guess were supposed to take it on the chin and turn the other cheek. At least with our military action we aren't targeting civilian installations. I suppose Canada can sit up there and watch from across the border. It must be nice to know that had it been Canada, the US would have been the first to pick up the sword in her defense.

I'm a little peeved at that!

YEsterday was a most perfect day. It really was. And today is supposed to be a most perfect day too. And tomorrow too. So I am not so mad that I have to work most of the day away today. But still its a wasted day. If it weren't for the fact that I have to have money to pay the bills and eat and so forth I'd well I'd play hookie for the day at least.....grin

I really don't have much to add.

talk at you later, chief.

neurosis ~ catharsis