my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




a life in the day of me

Wednesday, Oct. 03, 2001 - 10:05 A.M.
You know my life is pretty much without drama. Its like when it came to writing my life, they put down their pens, scratched their heads with this quizzical look on their faces and decided, hey lets write one without drama Okay I Don't want to say I have virtually no drama in my life. like maybe halfway through my life they decided, My god this man is boring, we have to give him a little, but not too much cuz it'll be fun to watch on the bloopers video later. So yes, I am pretty much drama free. And I'm not complaining., although I would love to get my hands on that bloopers video, cuz there will be some ugly scenes in it that I wouldn't want to relive. You're probably wondering just what could possibly be on the bloopers video, well if you weren't there to share it with me, thank goodness, then I am not going to tell you. Suffice to say, not pretty.

Insert bad segue way number one herE

I think I am a fairly tolerant individual. No really I do. And have become even more so in the last 10 - 12 months. But when you see a man, an old man no less, walking down the street in a pair of black stockings, some sort of garter type garment and what amounted to a bad shaped one piece swimming suit walking into Cafe Brazil, well there has to be somewhere you can draw the line. I think everyone in Cafe BRazil had out the proverbial black marker and were drawing the line all over the place. The most frightening, and might I add disturbing things I have seen in a long time. And I am fairly sure I am not the only one thinking that tonight. It was well not an image that one would want to have recurring. I mean come on people, at least a common sense of decorum and decency should be require if you're going to walk the streets. I mean jeepers creepers, somebody take my peepers so I don't have to see that again.

I had Chicken Nachos, because no matter what you hear from those other guys, Cafe Brazil has the BEST chicken nachos on the planet. it is true. And anyone who says otherwise, well they are completely and totally wrong and misguided to boot.

Speaking of...WadE, who not only claims that Cheddars has the best chicken nachos instead of Cafe Brazil with real best chicken nachos, he was very antagonistic today. Can't say why really? I think it was because while he pretty much lounged the day away in comfort, he felt the day was wasted. He antagonized everybody it seemed. Except for me, he tried but failed miserably. Except for when he wouldn't shut up till I put in the Friends DVD, and well I had to try and strangle him. I guess you might say I was pretty antagonistic today too, but that's my nature. It goes with being a jerK and a jackass. Its something I've come to terms with, so,... so should you. GRIN.....Speaking of. I also talked to Jen today on the telephone. Did you know her family crest has 4 lions eating potatoes Its true, 4 lions. You know her last name means potato in Gaelic or something. Then she accompanied us to Cafe Brazil where she had a coffee laced brownie sundae. It probably would have been delicious had they not destroyed it with coffee. Course I don't know since I didn't actually taste it (cuz it was destroyed with coffee) I don't like coffee. Had a little the other night at Starbucks while we attempted Michael's Comp I paper....

I looked for a flag online today. NOBODY has flags. Nobody. Its rather disheartening, and in a way very heartening too because that means that there are a lot of people out there who are feeling patriotic and American. Its a wonderful thought to know. Sutherlands was supposed to have gotten flags in today too, but by the time we got there they were already out. I had to put my name on a list. A list.

I watched the Dateline story "No Greater Love" about the United Airline Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania and how they believe the passenger overcame or at the very least tried to take the plane back from the terrorists.

I was admonished for wanting to watch a depressing show but I still am deeply affected by it all. It does hurt to see it. All the innocent people. You have to ask yourself why. Why they would do this. Why? I mean its so incomprehensible to imagine. Anyway....

I'm supposed to be going to my creative writing class today but I decided not to go. Cuz we are supposed to be in our critique circles and the 4 people I critiqued (knowing full well that my story sucked to the heavens) I only like 1 of the 4 I read. THe others were horrid attempts at literature which might have worked had they a grasp of grammar, punctuation and writing skills. Its very difficult to read a 2000 word story that is like one long run-on sentence that has misspelled words every other line and no commas or anything. It was maddening. SO I wrote a rip roaring critique. Actually I wrote three rip roaring critiques and one that was a pretty good critique cuz I liked her story. But I would have a hard time giving these critiques to these people because well I know it hurts to read that you write badly. Not that anyone has ever told me and while my short story was very weak as a story, the writing itself was good. I know this. So long monotonous story short, I'm playing hookie and reading the rest of Black House till I have to go to work. Its another short day at work today. And I think I have to work with horribly boring people tonight too. Blech. Then we are supposed to watch the Buffy premiere. I wanted to watch it last night but we had to watch WADE'S shows. Fortunately for him they were halfway decent. Actually Scrubs was pretty good and funny. I laughed. I know that comes as a great surprise to you people who know me, what me laugh at anything. I am so straight faced its virtually incomprehensible that I would laugh at anything, but it is true. I laughed. It was funny. I know funny. Speaking of funny...wade.....see I'm laughing right now. I bet you're laughing too. Except maybe Wade, he's not laughing, he's looking at t the computer screen at this very second, peering out the corner of his eye, nodding his head just slightly saying to himself, "that's all right, okay, that's all right, you'll get yours buddy." Its true you know. I'd say I'd wait for the phone to ring, but my mom only has one line and so its either online or phone line and well I'm online.

My mom is trying to refurbish the house. She's lived here for a good 14 years now and now she's here by herself, all her little ones are no longer little and its just hers and the animals now and well she gets a little bored sometimes. So she's pulled up all the carpet and is laying down wood flooring, she has re stained the whole living room walls and has reset some cement tiles under the wood burning fireplace. All in all its a wonderful improvement. Especially the walls. It lights the place up, make it much more cheerful. And what with a large part of the carpet gone, the house doesn't smell near as bad as it could what with these animals. If they were the adorable creatures that they are, I wouldn't like them at all. Except my Auggie dog, she is the best dog ever. EVER! Don't argue with me!

I'm amazed at how many people write and or complain that they don't have normal lives, or that everybody else has normal lives except them. Open your eyes people, you all have normal lives. Normal life has its ups and its down, its in and outs. Its a roller coaster ride, and just because you don't like roller coasters, you still can't get off the ride till they lift the safety bar that keeps you from falling out. Things aren't going your way? Well hold on, keep your eye on the summit up there cuz your about to have smooth, (albeit it fast and furious sailing) over the next rise. it may take a few miserable and bumpy moments to get to the top, butt he payoffs are good. And of course there are those of you who feeling like your on one of those interminable climbs, you know that summit that towers over the ground, making the next riders look like ants, but either you want to ride, you want to live, you want to experience life, or you don't. The good thing about it is, that whether you do or you don't, you still have to ride the rides. I guess what it boils down to is that, this is your life and believe it or not it is just as normal as the next persons. Its easy to look at someone else's life and think, gosh, they have it good compared to me. You have no idea how good or bad they really have it. No idea at all. We think we do, but the only shoes we ever really walk in, is our own. there shoes are either too small or too big, or ugly, or the laces are broken or the leather has given way around the front and your toes are sticking out.....And I think that's enough cliche analogies for one day.

Okay. Well this has been one of those long rambling entries that really could have been condensed by reader's digest but alas, no reader's digest editors have contacted me to do this work. So this is what you get.

Read me later, if you dare

neurosis ~ catharsis