my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




this isn't nicec runchy toast

Saturday, Oct. 06, 2001 - 9:41 A.M.
its a beautiful day! a most beautiful day and I have to spend 75 % of it 480 minutes of it, 28,800 seconds of it inside working with the buying public. do you hear the bubbling effervescent joy that I am feeling right now. its there, just listen. listen careful

I have spent most of this week at my mothers house out in Keller. you know in German, the word Keller, means cellar. And you don't know how appropriate that word seems to me right now. its way out of the way. I have been somewhat disconnected from everything out there and it was peaceful and quiet and part of me enjoyed it but part of me wanted to go screaming through the streets. fortunately for me, that part of me is a bit inhibited to making a scene. yes I know what you're thinking, why isn't that the part of me that goes out to Bennigan and not the loud obnoxious tazoberry affected loon that goes. And all I have to say is, its the tazoberry. it really is. normally I am quiet and peaceful. put a little tazoberry in me and man oh man in an hour I am not so quiet and peaceful......I've noticed a trend, its true.

work has been relatively peaceful. Martha has been on vacation all week, we've tried to get the stock room in order while she is gone but you really can't tell because we have so much inventory coming into the store that it looks just as full as it did before we threw out the crap. its really rather unnerving and perturbing. But what can I say.

we're going to have to cut hours at work cuz sales are down. this is not a good thing. not that my hours will get cut or anything and we will get to get rid of some of the riff raff that we have working, you people all need to go and buy books, lots of books at Waldenbooks. is that shameless plug or what. course I guess if you don't come to my store, it won't help much with our store hours but buy books anyway.

we were supposed to all go bowling tomorrow night, but now I think its been postponed to another day. I was looking forward to it but I don't think anybody really knew about it except for me, miss baker, and Derek and while that would be the perfect time right there with that group.

this entry is about as interesting as watching toast toast, actually less interesting cuz watching toast toast, you get to see it change colors from white to a nice crunchy brown. there is nothing nice and crunchy about this entry. so I am going to go now.

neurosis ~ catharsis