my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




coma inducing boredom

Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2001 - 10:20 A.M.
You know, in 9 days its my birthday. Not the most auspicious of occasions to begin with, but an occasion all the same. It wouldn't be so bad really if it weren't for the fact that it is indeed my birthday. I've not always been so blah about said day in question but the last couple of years they have been a bit lackluster and blah themselves and so well what can you expect. I'm not much for big uproarious things, the last big uproarious thing I had was about 9 years ago and I sort of ruined it by coming in the back door. I mean for goodness sakes if you are going to have surprise party you shouldn't being waiting looking out the bedroom window and as I am dropped off the lights go out. I mean it is my bedroom. so I had to have a little fun and go in the back door as they waited for me to come in and say surprise to them. They were a bit peeved about that. All I could do was laugh. I don't want to say everything was all good back then cuz at the time I was living with my worthless brother and his even more worthless friend. I had a whole set of friends back then, none of them I would even consider best friends except for Melissa but that was cause I was in love with her. But everybody else was just people I knew from work. good acquaintance really but not one of the people who were there at that party do I even talk to now. I mean I barely talk to the brother that I was living with. The main reason I don't like my birthday so much is because I don't feel as old as I am supposed to be. I don't want to be as old as I am (who does?) . And I am sure a great deal of that has to do with the fact that I don't hang out with people my age. I mean I can't, they bore me to no end. they're "old" Growing up, as it were, certainly has its drawbacks.

Birthdays of people I know and have been to:

The first time I met Jessica, was on her birthday. I don't think she was having a good day that day. All these people who she could care less about at the time, me being one of those people, since she didn't even know me and Tom from California who beat the shrubbery at Putt Putt, showed up, Michael P didn't show up and she was looking forward to seeing him, Michael Z was there which was a good thing, I think that was the best part of the evening for her, and he was early to boot, earlier enough to have a $5 bet that no one else would show up. Did you pay up?

Then there was Paige's birthday party. Man oh man oh man oh man. Paige probably swore off birthday parties after that one. Can you blame her though. We went to the Magic Time Machine. The group was in total disarray, I was even being a jerk. There was so much tension at that table, had we turned it to the forces of good, the world would be a better place for the next millenia. Instead there was a melee of foodstuff. It was interesting to say the least.

Jenni's birthday party, the most recent party attended. I got drunk. I got sick and yarked in the bathroom for a couple of hours before I decided that the bathroom tile must have been made by Sealy because the next thing you know its 7:00 and I'm sleeping away. Michael and Chris were there. Chris made a spectacle of himself. Not that I didn't make a spectacle of myself cuz lord have mercy but I did. William Shatner's rendition of Mr Tambourine man, has forever scarred my psyche. FOREVER.

So needless to say birthdays are the bane of many a person's existence I am sure. Not to say that fun wasn't had at these little soirees but......

I think I am going to get me a little black band and wear it.

Martha was a complete bitch at work today. She really was. She pissed me off. SHe pissed Derek off She pissed Raven off. And you would think coming back form vacation she'd be a little happier especially knowing that in another week and a half she gets another vacation. But no, BITCH BITCH BITCH. Needless to say after she left I didn't do a thing. That's not true, I did do some stuff, but mostly Derek and I sat around and talked. I think he had to talk it out cuz he was so mad at her. she yelled at him for stupid stuff and he was this close (imagine two fingers held real close together) to quitting, I am sure. So we just bullshitted and It was slow so. I am so read for Saturday at 4:45 cuz then my vacation starts and I don't have to look at that woman, because when I look at her all I want to do is..... well lets just leave that unsaid, shall we. But loading her on an airplane and dropping her like a bomb on Bin Laden sounds like a pretty good idea. We might even win the war on terrorism cuz she'll bore them all to death with her world knowledge of everything that she feels she has to share with us. AHHHHHHHH run for your lives.

I am currently downing my last Dr pepper. Not the last Dr pepper that I plan on drinking, what are you crazy, but the last Dr pepper in the apartment.

hmm what else is there to blabber on about. I'm sure there's more. I'll have to save it for a better time. Not that this was the most insightful of entries. cough cough RIGHT! cough

Have you seen those AMerican Flag Billboards along the side of the highway. I want one of those so bad. Okay so it wouldn't even come close to fitting in my apartment anywhere, it wouldn't even come close to fitting in front of my apartment, but I want one so bad. I have always loved the American flag. always. it is so beautiful against a blue sky or a overcast sky and when you look at it, the sun shining through it, and all it stands for and what it means, its beautiful.

okay I really gots to go. No really. I can read some of my Stephen King book. Still haven't finished it, but that's because when I do it will be over. And it is getting soooooooooooooooo good. And I have another CD I need to listen to. So I will play the CD read my book, drink the last Dr pepper (NOT EVER) until I have to go to school. So I will talk to you later. Read me later, if you haven't ventured off into a coma. I hear comas are nice though.

neurosis ~ catharsis