my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




all in a days diary

Friday, Oct. 12, 2001 - 9:27 A.M.
okay okay okay. I've been slacking off lately. I don't know exactly why. Its not that my life has gotten much more mundane than it was before, its not that I have another secret diary somewhere I don't think. its just that my desire to sit down and relive the days events whether they be uproariously delightful or downright boring, sometimes I just am uninspired to fill you in. For this I apologize. If you are going to read this, the very least I could do is bore you with my day as much as my day has bored me. Right? Right. My one year anniversary of my diaryland/livejournal is coming up on October 1st and have as of today's entry, 357 entries. so all in all I am averaging about an entry a day so I guess its not that bad, but these last few weeks its fallen off a great deal. And I think that a part of it is that a number of the people who read this are people that I hang out with on a normal basis and so they pretty much have a good idea what's going to be in here so it seems redundant to fill them in. Not thinking of you wonderful readers from out there, who have no inkling of what my day has been like. So for you, my readers, whether you be constant or occasional or dropping in for a one time read I shall put forth every effort to make year two a more informed and complete journal. But really I guess I should be doing that for me, since truthfully that is the purpose of this. I doubt seriously that this will be going into any great annals of American writing. so its for me that I want to write a better diary. Even though that makes me wary, because I have to put in more emotional content more feeling more of everything that I am remiss to do now. More thought on the events of my day instead of just the events of my day. it will take some pondering.

Yesterday as every one is aware was the one month "anniversary" of the terrorists attack on America. I was going to light my 100 candles but the inspiration left me. I did light three of them though. 1 for the WTC victims, 1 for the pentagon victims and 1 for the victims in the airplanes.

Did anyone watch Friends? It was good. Not as good as the first two episodes, but good all the same. But there is something about watching it with Friends that make it better and since I was watching it alone maybe that's why I didn't enjoy it as much as I had the first two episodes. I don't know. But something was missing.

ER was good too. Especially since abbey broke up with the jerk and now has clear access to Dr Carter.

Around 9:30 or so Michael Z, Katherine, and Jessica came over. We went out to Borders where Michael bought an Italian pop CD. Or as the chanteuse was called "Italy's leading pop ...." something like that. Listening to it thought, I was thinking pop, it didn't sound pop, but pop here and pop somewhere else is probably completely different. I think pop and I think prepubescent boys and girls getting jiggy with it, electronic music and lights flashing all over the place. Course I think Italian music and I'm thinking the Godfather or a robust Tenor. But I'm musically illiterate, so I can think this way. My horizon has been widened as it were.

After Borders we stopped off at Bennigan's. . . . . . I had told Wade that I was not hungry earlier, so reading this, he will probably have to cut off my leg for going out to eat, not just going out to eat, but going out to eat with Zipper and the others. It was true though, I wasn't hungry. My stomach was even bothering me, but I ate anyway, all the while thinking of the repercussion that might ensue. I didn't do it to snub anyone. I don't want anyone to think of it like that. We were in the car on the way back, Bennigan's was just a natural stop off. Anyway we went to Bennigan's Michael cleared the table of any item that might be used in juvenile play, although I was on my best behavior. The food was good, well it was edible.

After Bennigan's we migrated back to the apartment where they lounged around and made themselves comfortable. Someone a bit too comfortable, like he was at home or something. Sheesh. After a volley of pennies between Jess and Zipper, shooting rubber bands all around, some CDs played and some all around lounging, they decided to go home. I went to bed.

Now I know what you're thinking. No I do.
You were supposed to go to the gym last night, weren't you.
Yes I was.
You told Wade you would call him when you got done.
Yes I did.
But did you call him.
Cuz I'm a lazy bastard.
Will you hear about this.
Most likely.
Did you do it to make him mad?
Is he going to be mad anyway?
I hope not, but chances are I will hear a few choice words
What's this all going to boil down too?
who's a better friend with whom.
Is that what it is?
No, or at least it shouldn't be.

Oh, that wasn't what you were thinking? Hmmm. Well I probably know anyway. I'm just not going to share that particular conversation with you because well, you've heard it all before and its not worth repeating. At least not here.

Anyway. I have the utmost joy of working today at 1:00 utmost joy! there's nothing like 8 hours of retail to lift your spirits. there's a chance it'll be a good day though. I am working with Derek. we usually don't get much done during the second half of the day when it is just the two of us, but the first half of the day we do. he makes work much more tolerable.

From what I understand everybody else is supposed to be going to this concert thingy tonight. I forget what it is called but they are all going. Okay, not all, but several of them are going, not even all together, but going. I think its some sort of benefit type thing, like I said I don't know and won't be attending. Why not? Let's not get into that again. okay, sorry.

I guess that's my mundane entry for the day. Maybe after a good/bad day at work, I'll have an enlightened entry to share with you later. Hey was that bated breath I just heard? Read me later. ~me

neurosis ~ catharsis