my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




running roughshod round reality

Sunday, Oct. 14, 2001 - 10:26 A.M.
I am sooooo tired. I want to sleep for the next week. No really, if I could I would sleep like there was no next week. Not that next week is all that inspiring. I am in search of the perfect black arm commemorate the aging process nicely.

maybe I could make one with black cellophane.....hmmm.

I've decided that Wade and Jenni must just hate each other. Truthfully there really is no other possible reason why the smallest and littlest of things set them off at each other. Both of them express a desire to be friends and yet their motives to be friends again were really misguided motives especially the most recent reconciliation which in truth is about as strained as the mid east peace process right now seems to be on their last leg. I mean in a year there has been lots of changes, lots a reversals and the vortexes I once described seem to be a bit weak in their pull.

It goes without saying that their friendship is a bit strained because of Michael p. I know how much Michael means to Wade and nothing has hurt him more than the fact that Michael won't even talk to him. I mean it would be different if they weren't ever friends, but Michael treated him like a friend for a long time, and then all the sudden nothing. Granted there are circumstances, but the way it has turned out, it leaves me at a loss that someone could be this heartless. dozens of times I have seen Michael (or Chris) online and every time I have an urge to talk to him and see how things are but then I also want to know why he hurt wade like he did.

I had the best cheese fries on the planet last night. They were sooooo good. you don't know if you haven't had them. No, no, you don't They were pass-the-paper-towels-I'm-drooling-like-crazy good! I had to share one with Paige, but that's all right. Paige tends to be a good enough person at times so I was willing to make the sacrifice, cuz I'm just that nice. We had a full table last night too. Christan, Paige, Jenni, Catherine, Wade, Michael Z, and myself. it was quite cozy. After filling myself with a pile of those damned good cheese fries we all moseyed back to the homestead where we watched The Shining, Jack Nicholson at his psychotic best. It was almost comical and all that 70s theatre technique was down right hilarious. Wade invited Justin over and he probable felt like he was under a microscope the entire time he was there and a commotion of sorts was caused because nobody actually knew him and well "you can never be too sure." It all boils down to is that people worry. That's all it was.

After Wade and Justin and Christan left and the movie was over the rest of the gang needed a little nerve tonic as it were for what ails ya. so out came the vanilla vodka, the vanilla schnapps, the Grand Marnier and a horrid little German concoction that tastes like rancid sweet blackberries. All in all it was worth it just to see all the screwed up faces. Michael's were by far the most humourous. I laughed mightily. So okay I laugh mightily all the time, but still. A couple shots under our belts we relaxed for abit, Michael lost sensation in his cheek, pretended to mark his territory like a cat or a dog, there was leg lifting involved, then he pretended to mark his territory like a human, however there was still leg lifting involved. after a good hour they were all on their way and I quickly dropped into bed and into oblivion where I was dragged kicking and screaming out of when the alarm woke me for work this morning less than four badly slept hours later. It was a good thing I was opening with Derek who also had to drag himself to work after a long night and we could commiserate about the cruelty of jobs in general. Had I had to work with Martha I probably would have died.

Curious turn of events. Sitting here writing my livejournal entry and lo and behold if the phone doesn't ring. And who is it but young Mr Pascuzzi. Sort of knocked the proverbial socks off of me. Okay so I wasn't wearing proverbial socks, or normal run of the mill cotton socks, but had I been, well they would have been knocked off.

They wanted to go "haunted housing" [insert dramatic music here]
Now the first thing I said was, I don't like to go to haunted houses.
come on go haunted housing with us
I said, if I go to a haunted house with the two of you, people will kill me.
COme to the haunted houses with us Michael is a bit relentless, in case anyone ever noticed.
I fought the good fight. I stood tall. Unfortunately I was shot through and crumbled.
So it was haunted housing. He said he had tried to get ahold of Jenni, but he was under the impression that he was "out" with Jenni cuz they were supposed to go to the State Fair yesterday, but I informed Michael that he was never "out" with Jenni, that he would always be "in" with her. But anyway where was I, he asked me to try and get ahold of her cuz he wasn't able to get her on the phone, and the next thing you know my apartment, my poor little one bedroom apartment and my even smaller living room was filled with 10 people heading to a haunted house. At the last minute Michael Z, Katherine and Jessica (not our Jessica but another Jessica friend of his) decided not to go the haunted house but went to eat instead. I wish they would have gone with us, cuz the haunted house was fun. Course I laughed all the way through it except for one exclamatory "oh shit" when this one demon crept up quietly right beside me, but other than that, I laughed at the two girls. Further behind us, (they made us wait in between people going in) we could here Chris and Michael calling out for Jenni. They had wanted us to wait for them until they got in. All in all it was a pretty good haunted house, but for $12 it should have been a little longer. The clown at the end was Jenni's favorite part. I'm sure of it, her grip on my arm was extra tight, or maybe it was mine as I held her in place for a couple of seconds as she tried to pull away. hmmmmm

After the haunted house we ended up at Bennigans, where I ruined a perfectly good evening by not wanting to go to Springtown. Its not that I didn't want to go though, it was just that I hadn't got much sleep the night before,(as you read) I had worked all day I was just about to take a nice long 13 hour nap after I was working on this entry when they called. Alas sometimes things don't work out the way you expect them to.

Anyway, after some good eatin, everyone went their separate ways. Me, I crashed so fast and woke with the sun shining through the flag in my window, set against a perfectly blue sky. The red white and blue is just so B.U.(tiful)!

Well I guess that's the entry for the morning time.

A couple of things I was thinking last night and this morning. I wanted to talk to Michael P about wade. I didn't . Not much of an opportunity. But I wonder if it would do any good. he and Jenni went down the proverbial memory lane.

I wonder why Chris felt it necessary to snip at Wade even though he wasn't there. "isn't someone missing." he asked before we left. We all know there is no love loss between the two of them, even though he said he could probably get along with him.

Apparently there is no love loss between him and Michael z either.

It was good that Michael p called though, cuz fun was. We "caught up" on the phone for a little bit too, which was good. I was a little worried about him but it sounds like school and the new home front are all okay. They even got kittens. it was a good time. I hope they call again sooner this time.

what else.....oh they got pierced. Michael pierced his lower lip, looks like he got shot with a BB gun and the BB stuck to his chin. Okay it doesn't look that bad, he looked good with it. Chris got his eyebrow pierced. Personally I don't want anything pierced. Not that its a bad thing or anything walking around with an open would all the time, I mean my youngest brother had his eyebrow, his ear, his tongue......its just ouch.... They looked kinda cool though, not cool enough for me, but cool enough to live vicariously through someone else. Vicarious life, sure is grand!

Its a most amazing day outside. Supposed to go shopping with Wade and Paige today. Its perfect weather outside. Cool fall mornings are (dear God, don't' make me say it) SNAP! okay that will be the only time I ever say that as long as I live. How do I know this you wonder, well if I do ever say it again, you have my permission to kill me on the spot. blindfold and a unfiltered Camel brand (cigarette you know they have the most nicotine) and well that'll ought to kill me right there, but just in case firing squad!

I gotta go, there's other things I want to post in here but I figure if I do, people will get vociferous with each other and well I don't want to be more of an antagonist than I already am. grin.

Read me later!

neurosis ~ catharsis