my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




grand marnier doesn't taste like burning

Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2001 - 10:56 A.M.
last night didn't look like it was going to be one of those evenings. You know what I mean. there was a great schism, a chasm between a number of people there and the tension, well I'm pretty sure that was one of the things that I tripped over last night. Lots of tension. But that was the beginning of the evening. But Michael Z was being bartender and spilling my Grand Marnier all over the place, mostly in my shot glass, but still, I now will have to kill him, and so I became happily happily sauced by shot number 3 and a half. In my defense I'd had a Apple Sizzler thing at Bennigans for lunch at 4 and that was all. So maybe I was a little out of it, though not as out of it as one would think as I certainly wouldn't have gone swimming in that pool, its filthy. But the look of surprise and agitation on certain faces with me hopping over the gate to go swimming, well it was a mastercard moment (priceless).

I can't say as the day started out too well. I had to open which would have been fine had I not had to get off work at 2:00 and then come back at 5:00 to do a bookfair. So it seemed a bit silly to go all the way home and then come all the way back and so I stayed at the mall all day and talked a bit with Wade, then went down and talked to Derek for a bit until it was time for Wade to go on lunch then we went to Bennigan's where I had my apple sizzler and wade ate lunch and then back to the mall where I talked some more with Derek until it was time for the bookfair. Went to the bookfair, sold 15 books which was good for the crowd that was there and then came back and rang it up and then I hung around and talked to Derek some more. THen Wade had to get his Scrubs tape so we could watch Scrubs, another hilarious episode. I can say that with complete honesty cuz well I hadn't had anything to drink while it was on and I laughed very heartily. The birthday boy (all of 20 years old as of yesterday) and Katherine, Jenni and Christan ambled on in around 10:30 or so and Michael headed straight to the little fridge where the spirits were encased. And the race was on. He quickly made himself comfortably happy with a shot of vodka and chased it with hard lemonade, a sangria berry wine cooler and a fuzzy navel wine cooler and probably another shot of vodka. He was very relaxed. Jessica showed up. Not a happy camper. Again I'm not quite sure what all went on there, I have my ideas but all in all people were not happy and very tense. That's when Michel poured my first shot of grand marnier and then my second and my third and then emptied the bottle for my fourth. I was sad to see it was empty. its my favorite. I guess I'll have to work on the Goldschlager now.

Apparently Michael P and Chris were at Michael's b-day dinner at Fudruckers, which kind of left me wondering "what the hey?" but I guess its not really important enough to worry about. So I'm not. It did perturb me, because I had really wanted them to be at my dinner and they almost came but at the last minute didn't and they were right down the road. And I know it had to do with Wade why they didn't want to come and Christan, something about double teaming and all that.....Anyway I hope Michael had a good b-day. Damned work kept me from his dinner! By the end of the evening he seemed perfectly content,though, but that was probably the alcohol. Cuz I know I was perfectly content and I know it was the alcohol.

THen everyone seemed bound and determined to have me go to sleep in my bed. I was perfectly content on the floor. I like sleeping on the floor sometimes. a hard flat surface is good for the back. Granted I was curled up and or splayed about but still I was comfy. Wades stayed and tried uselessly to get me to get up and go to the couch or my bed, but I was stubborn. so he ended up falling asleep on the couch until I woke him up at 6 since his grandmother was suppose to use his car and well it would have been awfully difficult with it and him being at my place. so I sent him home dragged myself to the couch and then to my bed where I had a nice 2 hour nap. THen it was morning and like all mornings I woke up and started this little entry.

Mel's online right now too and I have been talking with her for about an hour. As the song goes "she and I live in our own little world" we're very connected when we talk. its an incredible feeling.

anyway....I have to go now, take a shower, go to class, then go to work, then well who knows what. but its time to get the ball rolling or I'll just sit here and watch the day go by and play hookie and then amble on up to work. so read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis