my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




double take

Monday, Oct. 29, 2001 - 11:01 A.M.


unday Morning:

I can't say as the last two days have been swell or anything like that as I don't remember most of what happened. wait, that would be wrong entire, I do remember them both clearly because I was there the whole time. Apparently I haven't mastered that whole astral projection thing and am unable to visit other planes of existence.....such is life.

Anyway lets just say that I've had better days, and well I guess you could say that pretty much everyone involved in the last few days have had better days too. I think I can honestly speak for everyone when I say this.

As you might have recalled from my last entry Friends was supposed to be on. Well that was probably the last of the good time until last night when Jessica was nice enough to bring the prior weeks episode that she taped, cuz I missed it. It was darned funny too.

Anyway Friday was "one of those" days. It started rather blah at work, it was terribly slow and I was bored and cranky and a little bit sleepy. As a matter of fact after watching Friends Michael Katherine Jenni and Jessica were over and I was still sort of hungry so foolishly someone (me) suggested we go to IHOP. From this day on I swear I shall never suggest IHOP again. It was so so so very bad. So very bad. Our waiter didn't even know how to fill out the order pad for our food, didn't know where everything was. We had to wait forever for everything. Michael got green sausage at which the waiter said "what do you want me to do about it" and walked off. Now you might think it being your first or second day he'd go out of his way to remedy the situation but alas, no it was IHOP from Hell.

That was Thursday night a not so great beginning. Friday I had to open at the store so I was not in the best of moods, tired and cranky (apparently I was quite a bitch) and it was slow which made the day stretch into oblivion. Oblivion is this really dark and wretched place where you can still see everyone and everything it just takes for ever for it to be over with. Kinda like this entry. So lets carry on....

Friday night was Michael's Surprise birthday party. You'd think since everyone pretty much got along with each other on Tuesday (did I tell you about tTuesday) that Friday night would have been a nice wonderful repeat of events. I mean technically we were celebrating the same thing, Michael's B-day. COurse it being a "surprise" Michael had no idea and had to be slightly deceived to come and well lets just say it didn't start out too great at all. And as the evening progressed it got worse and worse and worse, until well it wasn't pretty. Everyone was pissed for some reason or another. People are mad at people still. And anyone who would like to refute being mad at anyone, either at the party or after through yesterday's venturing out to the Block Party, is more than welcome to tell me otherwise. But being wise and elderly member of the group, I heard almost every version there was in the last day so I can say, people are mad at each other, whether for a good reason or not, they're mad. Suffice to say I am so looking forward to Halloween now. if everyone decides to come, hopefully the tension will have diminished, everyone will be talking to one another and I'll have drank everything alcoholic in the house to keep from this happening again. Just kidding. Rubbing alcohol makes a terrible screwdriver.... :)

AnywayI gotta finish this later. I have to go to work now.


onday morning:

La ti da and all that.

hmmm what to say, what to say, what to say. I'm at a loss. Well okay this may not come as a surprise as I'm not much of a talker anyway, but still here,l usually am able to come up with something insightful and delightful for the consumption of my reading public. But at a loss I am.

So we'll just start and see where it takes us

Yesterday was a pretty okay day. I mean considering that I had to work, it went rather well. But it usually does when I work with Derek. I mean the first hour we were there we play a game this survival game that goes with those books that you how to survive anything. Alligators, killer bees, sharks, crashing planes, etc. You know the books, the names escape me at the moment. But you get the jist of it. Anyway there's a board game now and so we opened one and started playing and I was loosing badly, not because I didn't get the answers right , but because I kept rolling ones as opposed to 5s and 6s which Derek kept rolling. Anyway plus it was busy for the bulk of the day so the day went by fairly quickly too. All in all, work good.

After work I came home. And did nothing. Literally nothing. I was about to take a nap, not that I needed one, but had nothing planned except possibly eating with Wade and them after they got back form their movie when Michael called. He was bored and plus he wanted some of his birthday cake so wanted to know if it was okay to come over. I said sure.

Being the great host that I am, he was bored in no time at all, ate his cake and ice cream and played a few CDs and he looked at all my travel pictures, since he hadn't seen them and then Katherine called Michael and she came over for a bit and we sat around and talked about a bunch of nothing really, just talking, although Michael probably would have been happier at home in front of his computer with a fuzzy navel to drink , alas his computers monitor isn't/wasn't working so he stayed a bit longer.

Wade called after the movie was over, asked what I was doing, if I wanted to go eat or go to the gym and I said no and he got mad, not rip roaring mad or anything like that but mad cuz I didn't want to do anything again and then Michael asked if he was looking at a meercat in one of the pictures, loud enough so that Wade would know he was at the apartment, which I know made him mad again, putting thoughts in his head like, he'd rather hang out with Zipper than me. which I know is true or his next words wouldn't have been," I'm going to go now" and then hang up. I'm sure Christan and Paige got an earful (sorry) but whatcha gonna do?

And he's been online for an hour now and hasn't IMed or called me yet, which by now he would have. And maybe I am jumping to conclusions, but I don't think so.

I have class in an hour. I finally finished my poem, about 20 minutes ago and posted it on the blogger. I like it but since its a spur of the moment thing its a little lacking. But I like it:

The kettle whistled every morning
right before the roosters' crow
and fresh bottled milk perched itself upon the third step
of the front porch, cream rising to the top
and my mother wrestled with the bread dough
beating it down, kneading it not so gently

And quickly the sun would crack
the horizon where it had rested
somewhere beyond the fields
far beyond the growing green hay
where I nestled with the dogs
and avoided chores and adulthood

Father had answered the call
the posters in red white and blue
pointing at him, "wanting you" and beckoning
and the radio crackled every night
its news, mother's only conversation, consolation
she sat upright, her self perched

Edward R Murrow gave hour by hour reports
London under the blitz and This is London...
and Trafalgar Square lit with search lights
and raid sirens accompanied him but
on Saturdays it was the Grand Ole Opry
and she let me sit with her and she would
sing, her arms over my chest as I sat
on the floor in front of her chair, she perched forward
on the edge of the seat leaning towards the radio

Miss Rita down the road
didn't listen to the radio, any more
the Army came, this man in green
and Johnny came running to get my mother
and Johnny and I played army out in the field all day
and my mother cried with coffee that night
rocking, back and forth, her radio not

anyway. I guess I don't have much else to say. the rest of my day looks to be filled with laundry, a little vacuuming, maybe a little reading, and who knows what else. I was invited to go watch am movie tonight with Wade and whoever else. so that too if they're still going, or if I'm still invited. other than that, read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis