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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Its Suave, with extra holding power. soesn't make your hair shiny

andrewhobbs - 12:44:39
in his absence I present some haikus a la haikuboy who is on hiatus somewhere celebrating Thanksgiving and away.

like shattered sunshine

shining shards of broken glass

dripping icicles

Speaking of icicles, I can't believe how much snow you northern folk got. I think you're being a little stingy with the cold weather, okay the snow mostly

that soft white comfort

pulled high upon her shoulders

winter's cold blanket

I can't believe it though. I was watching this one individuals webcam and they had it pointed towards the window and it was at night and it looked like it was raining it was coming down so hard and fast and by morning there were snow drifts and teh world was a cool crisp blisful slippery white. I'm jealous really. You know, that is if you read one of my previous journal, how I was waiting patiently for my winter weather that the weatherman promised me in bold blinking letters across the screen during a Friends episode. Winter weather alert it said. Possible snow and sleet it said. But what did i get but another cool blue day that while pleasant WASN'T what I was waiting for. So send some of that damn snow down my way if you could. just a few inches. my goodness Buffalo new York, you got 25 inches. talk about greedy. My grass is still green. You call that fair. greedy yankees. Always wanting everything. i guess I shouldn't mumble to myself in my own diary.

Anyway today is a joyous day here in the household. Why you ask. wellsee that pile of laundry over there. yeah the ones that's still sitting there. Today we begin the arduous task of washing clothes. do you here my enthusiasm. yes yes, it doesn't get any better than this. All those beer commercials concerning the great outdoors, fishing on those rivers out in the middle of nowhere with a cold brewsky, well its like that, only better.

I get to go to work today too. that's like winning the daily double really. Man I'm overcome with excitement. And it being the day before thanksgiving, all the shopping engines are like in first gear screaming to change gears. can you feel it. But then Friday, man o man, the race is on. The wheels are spinning, the wallets and purses our out and on the counter, checks are being written, the smell of burning plastic permeates the air and the poor service folk are run ragged needless to say I am looking forward to it. it just means that there only a month left before the madness is all over and done with. YEAH

I sold two of my George R R martin books, teh first one game of thrones on ebay, one for $67 and another for $56 and a hodgepodge of Stephen king promot stuff, bookmarks, buttons, and giveaways for $36. Good week. Any of you who enjoy a good fantasy, you need to read George R R Martin's Game of Thrones,Clash of Kings, and the just released, Storm of Swords. They are probably the best fantasy series I have read in the last 10 years. Phenomenal!

you realize haikuboy's gone for a week. I've only just realized the haiku quota has dropped to low for those of us who enjoy that instant haiku moment. So there will be a few more as his last entry was on the 19th and well we don't know when he'll return. if you haven't read him click here haikuboy and do so. its great reading. plus a haiku everyday.


If you have a moment could youSign My Guestbook you know just to tell me how you have or haven't enjoyed these daily treks through my existense.

alright, grab the TIDE , deep clean solution, you know they are always improving this, makes you wonder just how bad that first bottle of TIDE actually was or how big of a dupe we are. I mean how many times can you improve soap.

The pinning ceremony today has been postponed to a later date. since all those lapels need to be washed and such glorious ribbons as these certainly don't belong there. Take them off, I'm doing laundry anyway

later peeps

neurosis ~ catharsis