my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Cottonseed and Rapeseed oil. YUMMMMMIIIIIEEEEEE! Run out and get a box

2000-11-26 - 12:40:24
where is haikuboy/with such anxious diatribes/we're bored without yours

If you haven't read haikuboy's diaryland journal, stop right here, and go and read his. Yes mine might have a little something, not quite a zing, but kind of that acidic aftertaste you get from mayonnaise that might have gone bad, but that's something right. haikuboy offers all kinds of exciting tidbits that will make you want to never come back to this little diary. granted if you don't come back here, what pray tell will you find after you've read all of haikuboy. Well here's the secret, don't read all of his older entries right away. You'll have to ration them, in case of a dry spell or the occasional "holiday vacation" or having to go visit the family and all that nonsense. hehehe. But still take my word for it. haikuboy . I can't say it any plainer. Go. go now.

Okay I know what you're thinking. Obsessed, fanatical, maybe a little bit crazy. None of its true. okay maybe a little of it. but certainly not all of it.

So I saw this commercial the other day for the Toyota Tacoma. HILARIOUS. These 4 guys get out of this truck, well 4 or 5 and tehy see these bears around their camp out in the woods and you're thinking bears, watch'em run. But then the guys charge the bears and start fighting them. I am laughing now just writing this. Its hilarious. Sometimes, the most entertaining stuff on television is when you digging through the refrigerator.

I've decide i just might be a Dr Pepper addict. "Hi, my names andrew, I....sob...sob...sniffle...sniffle....I'm a Pepperholic. I need help. Applause carries through the room, all eyes filled with good intentions, except for the man filling the Dr Pepper vending machine with teh shakes because its been 20 minutes since his last Dr Pepper. (He's in denial) Seriously, okay not SER I OUS LY but obviously I drink it way too much. I mean look at my desk. I have 5 empty cans to my right and one to my left, okay and a box of captain Crunch, but that's a whole other story. My trash can is filled with empty cans. I can go through a 12 pack in a day if I set my mind to it, and I don't really have to do that. Sometimes I come home from work reach in for my next Dr Pepper and see that I am at the bottom of the cardboard box and I think, hmmm i didn't drink all that, the maintenance man must sneak into my apartment and steal my Dr Pepper's, now if that isn't denial, what is? But the first step is admitting you have a problem, right. Let's toast it with a cold one. Click, snap, fizz, gurgle gurgle, "ahhhhhhh" Life doesn't get any better than this. Unless of course I had some oreo cookies. You think I might be a carbohydrate addict too? hmmmm. nah.

In case you're wondering i still haven't done laundry. Its amazing how many pair of khacki shorts one person can have. and white t-shirts. I probably have 40 pair. Sam's warehouse. buy in bulk, that's my motto.

Okay, work beckons me, okay its more a nagging in the back of your head that just won't go away, but I like to think of it as a chaste young lady, with seductive eyes carrying that oh so familiar come hither look, one finger promting me in her direction. While too much excitement may be bad for you, you can rest assured you didn't get it here and can be off to where? ..... that's right don't make me say it again. He's waiting. With insight galore.

every one wish me a good day now.

I should go, shouldn't I. The chaste young lady has been replaced by a hoary looking whiskered old hag with no teeth and bad breath, a dwindling cigaretter perched in her lips and a nicotine stained finger promting me. Not with a come hither but with that other well know promt that really only requires one finger. grin

But i can rest assured that we'll be as busy as ever. So please people keep your pity for someone more deserving. okay I'll take a little. thanks. My pain has been assuaged. Is that a word. it sounds like a word. Is it spelled right. Does it matter. Is anyone reading.

notice how i am procrastinating. Someone needs to rip the keyboard away from me. Quick. NOW! I ......

neurosis ~ catharsis