my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




diary redux II

2000-12-02 - 10:51:00
It wouldn't be that hard right now to commit computer homicide. A quick toss through the window and into the burnt shrubs would be easy and would certainly release some sort of brain chemical that would put my mind at ease for a bit.

my diaryland journal for today apparently expired from unknown causes. It was a damn good entry too. I can say that. Now I'll have to try and remember it and give it all the brilliance of the original.

I've been trying to remember stuff all day for this thing too.

Wednesday the sky was this amazing blue. Not just blue but BLUE. And the leaves from all the trees were these amazing hues of yellows and oranges and deep burnt purples that contrasted so marvelously with the sky. It was incredibly beautiful in a way that nature can be.

This morning the sky was a bleak grey except where teh sun seeped through the seams in the clouds, shards of white light. One fell onto one of the giant American flags in the parking lot of one of the car dealerships along the freeway. It looked electric. It was mesmerizing as it whipped in the wind and glowed in the light. The leaves, so beautfiul and vibrant two prior were now cold and bland, lying on the ground in faded brilliants, the branches bare and reaching to the clouds. It was sad to look at.

the devil child was the first person to greet me at work this morning. I am glad there was a gate between us or I might have thrown something at her. She really is the spawn of the devil.

I bought some great books. I told you about C.D. Payne's Youth In Revolt (its written in diary form and thought maybe a few of you might get a kick out of it) well I bought the sequel today. So far it too is hilariously entertaining. If you haven't read Payne, (link to website below)do so. he's terrific. He has this other novel about a bunch of laboratory pigeons that escape from the lab. they are under the impression that they are human. its a gas! The Farrelly brothers are supposed to be making it into a movie. he's got another one called Civic Beauties too that I got, but haven't even peaked at it really. Except to get a taste of the writing style. But what its about is beyond me

I also bought a biography on Elizabeth I and another about the First american colonist in the new world. Very interesting stuff.

Stop that yawning back there I heard felt that. back there in the back. It is interesting stuff.

i don't know when I will get down to reading it, but when I do, you will get a full accounting of all teh exciting things you missed out being born in the late 20th century.

what else.

I talked a my friend Scott. Its been awhile since i talked to him. He's working alot and just got married a couple of months ago.

Talked to Mel too, she of the love of my life variety. We really didn't talk about anything of much interest, but just being in communication with her, lifts me up.

I went exploring here at diaryland just a while ago, looking for inspiration I guess. what a diaryland should read like. they come in so many varieties that it was hard to pick one that I liked best. (3 linked below) there's another one that seemed so genuine and i have to go see if i can find it again. It was so genuineI mean real. I'll find it.

Dreams experiment isn't looking to great. I devoured my two hotdogs and drank my dr pepper (since the orange juice effort proved useless) and will be taking a melatonin capsule to induce deeper sleep. COurse I have to wake up extra early in the morning to go to this bookfair for romance writers (yippee) at 7:00 in the am. Sometimes I think morning comes way too early it needs to be postponed a couple of hours.

The glass is still sitting on the desk. I'd go and put it in the sink, but the sink is full of dishes soaking in soapy water. Granted that would be the perfect place for science experimetn number two, but like before then I would have to get up.

On the scavenger hunt front, I had to rehide the magaiznes in the event that she haed already found them and then left them there to belittle my hiding efforts when the actual scavenger hunt commenced. So now they are properly hidden again. Don't tell anyone I'm the manager. Its sorta official though that I am returning to my old store in February. Its a good thing. I didn't want to be a manager anyway. It sucks truth be told. It would be different if they gave you even half the support that they think they give us. But they don't. management morale is a scary thing and the higher up in he hierarchy, I am sure its not much better. The season brings it out in everyone.

Speaking of which there was this real bitch in the other day. Really. she has one of our discount cards and she was bitching about her bonus coupons that she didn't get yet from all her points and her son asked her what the points were for and she said "apparently nothing" like its my fault that she hadn't gotten them yet. I hope they get lost in the mail now. Or her dog eats them. and that was just the tip of the iceberg. I was glad to be going home, to be sure. bitch.

wow that was mean, but she pissed me off. Very few times do i get angry, but when people come in with this attitude like the world revolves around tehm and they expect everything when they are just like everybody else. i don't want to hear it or expect to have to take the brunt of their dissatisfaction with the world. Keep it to yourself or vent it in a diary. Don't bring it with you when you go shopping. Especially in this time of goodness and cheer. OKAY PEOPLE! I feel better now. Phew, glad I have a place to vent sometimes.

Okay this isn't the best entry adn certain is a pale comparison to the original, may it reast in peace, but it still hit all the highpoints, which in and of themselves seem somewhat mediocre, don't they? Sign, the reality of a mundane existence.

I'm off and away to sleep. fair thee well good reader.

Where do you want to go next?

(hopefully the links will work)

neurosis ~ catharsis