my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




winter wonderland?

2000-12-13 - 10:06:13
What I learned from commercials:

The Yellow M&M believes in Santa
The sleet got here finally. There's nothing like a good ol' sleetball fight is there? I say finally knowing full well that come Friday, probably even Thursday it will all be gone and it'll be like every other day. For once I would sure love to have a white Christmas. is that too much to ask for. Some of you people got huge amounts of snow. I think y'all should share. I mean do you know how hard it is to make snow angels in a pile of sleet? It ain't comfortable, let me tell you. the day was a ruinous bust otherwise. I tried to make it where I had some really cool snow on my page with some javascript. all the places I went to said , all you have to do is paste this script on your page....blah blah blah...well I pasted about 13 times and nothing. I get nothing! How crappy is that. Course I guess all those snowflakes drifting happily down might have distracted you from all this insightful journalling, so maybe its for the best. I guess you should know just what I did today, this day of winter weather. truthfully its disappointing they're lucky there's at least something white on the ground. I'm listening to the weatherman right now. Looks like no snow. Just freezing rain. SUCKS I didn't do anything today! Pisses me off. I to take a nap, and work called to see if they could close because of all the ice on the roads. I said yes. WHat a great boss I am. St Louis I hope you enjoy all your snow. a foot of snow. If you could see me sticking my tongue at you, it wouldn't be pretty.


Both of them were reruns, but I hadn't seen either one, which was good. now I have to go watch

How I love that show. But I think you know that by now. At least those few of you who are long time readers.

Tomorrow is another day. I think I'll wait and see

I'm wondering where I should go on vacation next year. I have to go during the summer though cuz I will probably, if all goes according to plan, be in school. Like I should have been this year. But my England trip was in October and well I spent all my money on that. Anybody have any suggestions. What I want to do is go back to England and Scotland. I was looking at one of the travel guides at work the other day. I mean i don't have to go to England, but i would like to go back. Actually what would be cool is if I lived there. But I don't know yet, so we'll see. I had contemplated going to school over there, but it would cost way too much. I even went so far as to contact one of the deans and everything. But its a wee bit pricey. But I have time to decide, I suppose. I shouldn't say no to anything that can be in the future. If I'm thinking I can't, then chances are I can't.

Well I gotta go finish a book,Revolting Youth It really is hilarious. Anybody who loves reading a diary will really love this! not a little,but A LOT. Sorry this is so empty of content. Its been a really blah day. I'll talk at you later If you have a moment, please scribble in my book

These people have better entries I'm sure:

neurosis ~ catharsis