my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




cautions, roads may appear slippery, cuz they are

2000-12-14 - 05:23:43

What I learned from commercials today.

Is not just a car.

Mercedes Benz is not just a car.

Well its finally over. We have a president. And can I tell you how delighted I am that

Well today was rather uneventful. Everything was covered with a fairly thick slab of ice. So you can just imagine my trek to work this morning on the trusty schwinn. You'll be happy to know I made it to work in one piece. Course chances are I am goingto have a hell of a bruise on my left ass cheek in a few days. I went down hard and fast, (ice is slippery, did you know that?) I slid anothe ten feet until the sharp prickly ice covered grass caused enough friction. I laughed my ass off while still on the ground. Nobdy seemed to worried that I might have broken anything as they drove on their merry ways. Apparently all teh samaritans were sleeping in because of the ice

Well I got to work and to my surprise, gasp, i was the only one in the whole freakin' mall. I mean you could hear the crickets, only there weren't any crickets either. Apparently they were sleepin' too. Where do crickets sleep anyway. So i do all the stuff that I was supposed to do before we open and then i open the gate and for the next two hours i ahve a grand total of $6.00 in sales. i am so glad I came to work, let me tell you. So then it started to pick up and by 12:00 i had a whole $123.60 worth in sales. 9 whole customers in 3 freakin' hours. What I didn't understand is , why so many of these people came to the mall, practically risking their lives to be there and for what. They weren't buying anything. needless to say I bet all their ears were burning as i cursed their sorry asses all the way back to their cars.

By two o'clock when reinforcements arrived their were actually people in the mall. the streets were almost clear and i was starving half to death. Jennifer, bless her pea picking, democratic, Al Gore supporting heart, was kind enough to bring me some grub from Sonic since all the restaurant in the food court, okay so there's only 4, but tehy were all closed. except one. And they serve those nachos and big pretzels and crap like that. So I ate my grub helped a few more customers then it was time for me to go home. I did so happily. carolyn, my friend, called she gave me a ride home, ( I don't know why, as the roads were clear) and then i watched Friends, West Wing, Al Gore's concession speak, (finally) and President-elect Bush's victory speech and then a rerun of Will and grace and then Friends evening episode.

the West Wing is an awesome show. it was a repeat, but I haven't been watching it but a few weeks and so it was new to me, and it was great. I love it.

Then I came to the trusty old Gateway and went to read some diaries. I had to catch up on all the regulars and then I was checking links on some of the regulars and found another cool site. (link below) great diary! you should go and read it. I find I don't read very many female diarist, although there are afew, one in particular who doesn't write near enough, but since I talk to her all the time i really don't need to read her diaryland and then another that I found while roaming. But the one i talk to, (she of the love of my life) writes hers in third person and they are just short little pieces that give a little picture into her soul. I may be a bit biased, okay a lot biased, but still i loved it. i mean mine are long drawn out boring as hell, (in an interesting sort of way) pieces of pop culture (this in reference to all teh pictures I feel are necessary to dazzle teh occasional reader)

Anyway other than this, my day has been pretty uneventful. I've half a mind to run down to the mail box to see if there's anything interesting in there. But the things that iwant to come are taking their slow assed time getting here. I have my Stephen King Universe which was supposed to be published in the summer, which isn't due now until late January. then there is George R R martin's Game of Thrones, limited edition which was due by November but has been pushed back til the first part of next year. Its a good thing I have a patient heart or i would be pissed off. But i don't get pissed off too easliy. Maybe I should though...nah, not in me, well its in me, but I fight it constantly. I'm a mellow person.

I guess I should go. Before I find something else to ramble on about incessantly. That's not a good thing, is it? Before I go, if you could please Scribble Something In My Guestbook I would appreciate it.

So go read these peoples diaries

Where do you want to go next?

(hopefully the links will work)

everybody be good



neurosis ~ catharsis