my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




In every little thing, there is something.

2000-12-14 - 12:29:53

What I learned from commercials

Apparently Keystone Beer can even make the ugliest person a star!

Quote of the Day

You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do. -Henry Ford

Morning? Good? Today is Thursday and what I am going to do is not a damn thing. What kind of reputation does that give me. Sometimes Mr Ford can be right, sometimes, well who knows.

You'll be happy to know so far I have no big fat purple bruise on my ass. But i am still holding out hope. I would let you see it, you know with the trusty webcam, but that's the last thing we need, more asses on the big screen. Rest assured those of you who want to know the status of my pending bruise, I'll be happy to go into detail. How personal can a diary get?

I was going to say I was going to do some Christmas shopping, but still even at this late date, I'm thinking to myself, what the hell am I going to get anyone. I know, my mom wants a gift certificate to Home Depot. She's a crafty type person and likes to build things. My brother wants a scope for the rifle he is buying himself, my younger brother wants money to buy a new bed. I don't know what my oldest brother wants, I am probably going to get him the Alien Legacy dvd set. All 4 dvds for the price of 8 million of them :)

You know, if I would have told, you could have watched me sleep all night. Trusty webcams, are they invasive. Nothing like watching people catch a few Z's to make one question just how bored you have to be to be watching a webcam. I'll be the first to say I watch cams all the time. Its almost as addicting as reading online diaries. You know you read some and realize that you are not the only one on the planet who has a life as exciting as your own. Its a relief really. Some people even have lives even less exciting. Scary but true.

I have to fill out Christmas cards today too. I bought a box of them yesterday to send to family and the few friends I have, thus a box.... [took a break and went, read PERCEPTIONS Its hilarious, go, go now, and read it, oh wait, finish this entry first, yes I see the irony] 'kay, I'm back. Usually I send them out after Thanksgiving, but the Christmas spirit hasn't touched me. I need to grocery shop too. the good thing is I can do all that at my computer. I don't have to move from this spot. Except to go to the fridge. But I am getting a miniature fridge for my bedroom, and then, man I'll be set. Makes you wonder why people need a whole apartment. But I have to have a place to put my books so, I need another couple of rooms.

Haven't had my so I am not my normal chipper self. Not only that, but I haven't been to look at my comic strip of the day: Be Right back

Makes one almost be in the mood for Christmas.

Remind me never to eat a lot of cheese nips. they leave me feeling a bit blah and when I say blah I mean, don't go in the bathroom till the match smell dissipates. That was rather blunt, huh? I try to edit myself about certain, reasoning with myself that, you don't want to read about such things, but I have to say my eyes were opened a bit after reading some other diaries, that everything is fair game.

I've decided I need to do a webpage. I have a bunch of them, but I need like a NEXUS that brings everything together. You know, journal, webcam, book pages, an about me page, my vacation trip pages, and my poetry and short stories and whatever else. Wouldn't that be fun to visit. I guess an about me webpage would be a bit redundant, what with a diary page telling you about me, in detail, some details a little more than necessary. :)

okay I'm gonna go now. I've got the rest of the day to make a worthy entry. This one is just the entertaining entry. Plus I have to go to Apparently they were unable to fix my watch so I have a $155 credit at Fossil. So I'm thinking a watch that's not near as expensive, plus a PDA cover and other cool stuff. YEAH!

Okay since this wasn't as informative as you would have liked, your in luck that you can venture to these entertaining and insightful diaries. But before you go scribble me a note in my guestbook

And how bout visiting some other links of interest

neurosis ~ catharsis