my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




cheese cake by the slice?

2000-12-21 - 1138:04
Okay so maybe i shouldn't have eaten teh rest of that cheese cake. But it was so good. Sometimes you are just eating away and you think to yourself, just one more bite and before you know it, the whole thing is gone and you're holding your stomach thinking, I'm gonna puke

Today was a big long boring day. You have no idea really. You may think you know what I am talking about, but you don't . And then all the strange grumpy psycho shoppers were out again. What the heck is it. can't they go to the other mall, where they can blend in with the crowd. I'd be happier that's for sure.

I'm tired right now. You wouldn't think so with half a pie in my stomach, yeeeccchhhhh!

I don't really have anything interesting to add to this day.

In case you were wondering, the comments in the previous entry about making a porno, were all in jest. The day you catch me in all my glory in front of the camera is the day I've been cloned and its realy not me.

You'll be happy to know that I finally was able to buy a Chrsistmas present today. Grganted that only leaves me everybody else to buy for tomorrow. I don't know what to get anybody at work. I have inklings and clues, but still. Its really unnerving, to tell the truth. Usually I just make a nice christmasy bag full of chocolates and candles and different things, but the staff at this store is much younger and I don't think it would be as appreciated. So I am having to work on it, tweak it here aned there and well I guess I'll tell you about its success or failure wihen I decide to hand them out

Update on the gift from MS Baker. She got me an autographed Stephen King book, his, On Writing. Which is probably the best one, because its sort of autobiographical as well asthe nuts and bolts of his writing. I'll have to write and thank the sweet lass at Simon and Schuster that she was able to get this from. Plus a short thank you to mr king via his assistant would be good too.

Other than that, there's nothing more I have to say. it gets a bit monotonous after awhile doesn't it. Went to work, came home, ate half a cheese cake, went to bed. Same ol' Same ol.

Okay I guess I better go.


And HappyHolidays


neurosis ~ catharsis