my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Delving deeper into the story of me

2000-12-23 - 23:55:31
I've got this bigass bruise on my inner thigh. I haven't done ANYTHING with that particular part of my body, that I an recall, that would result in this huge I'm talking gargantuan bruise. Looks like I got hit by a softball or something. I noticed it was a bit tender this afternoon, but man, sittin' here in the ol' tighty whiteys and I see this huge bigass bruise. I have no idea where it came from. Scary

Today was a good day. Well except for the job, which was Christmas shoppers. Adn truth be told they wererather well behave considering that the shopping is down to the wire here. But as the day progressed they started getting crankier and less fun to deal with. I can't wait to go to work tomorrow. But remember Jesus is the reason for the season!

I went and got my mom a $100 gift certificate at home depot. that's what she wanted. I'm not aterrible son, I promise.

I got my borther and his family a $150 gift certificate at Walmart. Okay so I was lazy about them.

I'm getting Ben the Aliens legacy dvd set, but its not going to be here by Christmas. Course he probably won't show up anyway.

Tim and Renee are getting money to buy a bed. And of course keegan will be getting Toys toys toys and books of course, can't forget books.

I learned today that they are naming son number 2 after me. if that doesn't warm the cockles of your heart, I don't know what is. I spend therest of theday with them, keegan, tim and renee. We went to red Lobster and had dinner, on them. they had a gift certificate. And then we went to Walmart.

You'll be happy to know that I have stocked back up on Dr Pepper and Cheese-Its or whatever they are. I was thinking Nips, but they're not nips. Anyway I also got a bunch of stuff I probably didn't need, but I couldn't help myself. Walmart does that to me everytime.

Keegan is the best littel boy on the planet. Course I can say this knowing that when its time to go, he gets to go with them and not me. But I love that kid so much. And he loves his Uncle too. There is something about getting and giving him a hug. I know that women experience a pang or something, about having kids. Do guys feel that in any sense. Cuz I can't get enough of him. Except when he wants to play on my computer. He don't know what he's doing. And I cringe as he taps that keyboard and plays with the mouse and all these programs open and try to run at the same time. its a little unnerving. But other than that, I love him to death to death i say.

At Red Lobster I saw Lori. I used to work with her when I worked at Mr Ghatti's, many many many many moons ago. But it was so much fun. I made some wonderful friends and had some really good times back then. I started working there when I was still in high school and well it wasn't til about then that we quit moving every year or so, so the people I met there are probably my longest held friends. I don't really talk to them too often, but when ever I think of them or do talk to them, all that time we spent together back then just makes me miss them so much. We were the three musketeers, me Lori and Kevin. Kevin was like my best friend, even though he already had a best friend, he was still teh best friend I had at the time. I just saw his mother about two weeks ago and she told me that he had just gotten remarried and had a child on the way. He was married for about 4 or 5 year prior but they divorced. And last i talked to him, he was living almost down the street from me, about a mile, but hen i saw his mom and she told me all the news. its cool though. One time we were at the mall and he had decided he was going to get his ear pierced and so he did and then later he thought he would just take it out so his dad wouldn't see it and then put it back in. Well anyone who's had their ears pierced, know, you don't do that right away. Well I don't have anything pierced, and this was the only time he'd pierced anything so, he took it right out. It sealed up quicker than quick. then he tried to put it back in. Didn't go. Then he wants me to try and I'm thinking, I am going to jam this thing through and make a new hole I was pushing so hard. Needless to say, he had to go get his ear pierced again. its funny, I remember he always had this kind of babyface back then. Course he was only 17 but still he looked so young and when i run into him every now and then, he looks so much older and it doesn't seem right. Mr ghatti's was good times. We were always in some kind of mischief. the stories i could tell. then there was Candace. sigh. I won't say that I loved her. No, it wasn't love. I thought she was marvelous. She was beautiful, flawed, but beautiful. And she made my heart flutter, my pulse race, my cheeks redden, and various other physical reactions, but I didn't love her. She was sort of vain, I guess, she knew she was pretty and acted that way sometimes. But, oh man. Anyway, inevitably, I think i was too plain and not hte most experienced of people. So i ended up being crushed, sorta. the last time I saw, it was years after we worked together, I was carrying my first IBM 386 through the mall down to the bookstore and i saw her walking with this huge, amazingly huge muscular guy, and I had to stop right there and just breathe for a moment. Cuz at first I thought that was Candace but then as the seconds wore on, I was thinking, she wasn't that beautiful to me anymore. bvut it freaked me out.

about 2 years after I started working at the bookstore, I went to wrok at this candy store part time for a alittle extra money and there was this BEAUTIFUL girl, AMY, who worked there. Oh MY GOD. I don't think I have ever met anyone more beautiful than her. Ever. She was blond, blue eyed, tanned, toned, beautiful. And we talked all the time. She was dating someone, had been dating this someone for the longest time and he was this real jerk, or so she led me to believe, so i was being the confidant but every minute that she was talking I was thinking how beautiful she was. I started writing this story, about this guy who was homeless and he kind of lives on the street and he is at the beach and he runs into this girl and is instantly enamoured with her. And that was how i felt. I was still going through the whole parental disillusionment thing, I think. But any chance I got, I had to see her. I can close my eyes right now, i don't even have to close my eyes and I can still see her. I always wonder where she is, what she's doing. She went away to college, broke up with the jerk and was supposed to be getting married to this doctor guy. But oh man oh man.

you know I've been cruising down memory lane alot these last couple of days. Its weird. When I think of diary ,I think that it is filled with all these memories of yesterday and I don't think of it as a day to day chronicling of the things I did. But up til now that's all its been. No delving into the story of me. But yesterday you got the email story of me, and then this one.

I guess if there is going to be an entry it might as well have something. huh?

Well that is really all I have to say. Maybe in the morning I'll wake up inspired to write an a.m. entry. but then i have to go to work, then I have to come home nad do a little laundry so I don't have to go to work naked or anything. Would that be cool. Insteaed of jeans day, just naked day, birthday suit day. Not a day i would begin with

All my online diary people are off on christmas vacation, but if you haven't read them ,then this would be the opportune time to catch up on their lives. SO many of them write so well I am envious. But they been doing this journal thing longer than me. I'm still polishing.

I know Isaid I would work on hte spelling errors, but I get way ahead of myself sometimes and then I get so far into it and am working on ending the entry and i don't feel like going back over it. Starting New Years day I will put forth a greater effort to make this more readable.

okay I'm outta here. But scribble me something and visit my homepage: The NEXUS 2001

okay. I'm going for good now. read me later


neurosis ~ catharsis