my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




all in a days work.....well not work...that would be wrong.....wouldn't it?

2001-01-25 - 20:14:24
I can't say as I am going to miss this bookstore. I mean I will miss working with the people, of course and I will miss the fact taht there is little to no chance at all that I will have teh opportunity to take this to work at the other mall and be able to type and entry without any interruption from a customer. That I will miss. Not that that is what I am doing. That would be dereliction of duty. WOuldn't it. And we all know that I would never do such a thing as that. I am nothing but goodness and...okay so I go too far. But its pretty damn boring here right now and if I hadn't brought my pc to work, hypothetically speaking, then I would really be bored off my ass.

Today has been one of those d ay. Uneventful to the core. Plus i have the crappy shift. Not that I am complaining as I only had one this week as Irene was kind enough to switch with me on Monday. TOmorrow I have classes and then the traditional 9okay I guess we can use the word ritual here) dinner with Ms jennifer from work. Its chicken. Yummy! I'm sure it will be delicious. Not as good as my lasagna but still palatable. lolololool

Hmm what else. Over the past couple of days I have been told by several people that I really need to get a car. why don't I have a car and I was thinking about it. All these people for as long as I can remember seem to be under the impression that i really need a car, but me. But you know what. If I had a car by now, I wouldn't be here. I would be someone else completely. I know it. I would havew gone off to school somewhere, would have gotten a completely different job and the people I have known for the last 10 years, I never would have met. They should count there blessings for goodness sakes. But no, all I hear, you really need to get a car.

You know I also discovered something the other day. Truly it shows my genius mind at work. Have you ever noticed how left handed people write. Not all left handed people, but the majority of them write, like their hand has been broken at the wrist. I mean it looks like it hurts to write like that. I am left handed but I don't write that way and I was curious as to why, so I put my mind to it and this is what I came up with. If ytou look at all the school desks now, or at least all teh ones I see, the writing surface is on the right hand side of your body. All of us left handed people have to reach up and over in front of ourselves and then back towards ourselves to write on these desks. Years an years of writing this way and it becomes natural. So why, you might ask, do I not write like some cripple. Well in school there always seemed to be afew desks that were whole flat desks. Not on the right side but all the way across. every opportuninty I had I grabbed those desks. It was easier to write on them and so that's why I don't write like that, I very seldom sat at a right handed desk. THink about it. I know, the accolades will come pouring in now. Another great mystery of life solved.

I still haven't started writing again though. I was hoping that I would be inspired by the brain stimulation of school . Alas still nothing. dry as a well.

I talked to mel the other day. DId I tell you that. We had a nice long talk. It was nice. I wish we could talk all the time. earlier I was trying to be a bitter person, concerning Valentine and I mentioned about all those books, but truth be told that's all I want. I want her though. I guess you can't always have what you want though. At least not right away. I'm a patient man though. Ishall wait. I want to wait.

Did I tell youy that some saw my webcam and thought that Iwas both extremely hostile because of what I wrote and they said I was a lonesome man. Well yesterday two people wrote to me saying that they really like what I wrote and that they wanted to borrow it for their own webcam pages. And since I put it on there I haven't had to deal with near as many pervs. Not that Ireally had to deal with any before I just pretended not to hear them and most of them were alomost normal except for the fact that they wanted to see me naked. And that in and of itselfm, is very abnormal. Hehehe

okay so I ma not grotesques or anything, I don't have a hump on my back. I look half way decent. SOme have said handsome but very seldom do I see that in the mirror. I just got my haircut to day and I have to say that I look fairly good at the moment. Vanity. Its a terrible thing, but sometimes I have to let it have its say. Just so I know that I am not the horribly disfiguring apparition that I keep thinking. I am not. I know it. I just like to think I am not as nice looking as I ve been told. I see alot of guys that I would be thrilled to look like. but don';t we all. Envy, raises its ugly head.

hmm what else. Nothing really. Got those annoying cusatomers to deal with them I am on my way home. In a bout half anm

hour from now. Yeah. SO I will talk at you later. I hope that if you are reading this that you will be kind enough to scribble me a note if only just to say hello. all right I really need to get back to work, you know, if I was actually at work when I typed this. hehehehehe

happy trails to you

neurosis ~ catharsis