my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




where oh where has my diaryland gone, oh where oh where could the joy be

2001-01-29 - 09:39:27
I am at a loss as to why all of the sudden I haven't been updating as regularly. I know that the live journal might have a bit to do with it as I filled it with some detritus for a couple of days. But other than that, why. I mean truth be told the live journal hasn't proved to be that inspiring, although I love the quick and ease of it. You should check it out. Its really pretty cool. Did I mention quick and easy. not that diaryland isn't good. This is the longest diary I've ever kept in my whole like. so it is a successful venture if you ask me. But still....that doesn't answer the big question, why my enjoyment of it seems to be flagging a bit. I know several days in a row of living boringly doesn't provide ample material to fill these pages, but look back, where have I had the excitement to fill these pages. I mean my god i started it on halloween for goodness sakes and had 4 freaking on that day alone. the joy of it was great. So explain to me this.

I mean I have started back to school. work while as monotonous as ever stillprovides ample fodder. My social life, rather devoid of anything so close as that, is still filled with possible entries like why i didn't go to the superbowl party at ms jennifer's or why the superbowl itself sucked to high heaven or why the commercials which I so looked forward to sucked for the most part too.

But you know what? I shall put that all behind me. the superbowl, the day america stands still. We got a book in the bookstore with that very title. didn't sell any, but we got it sitting proudly for all the world to reject and buy next year on the bargain table for 4.99. ahahahahahahaha

in case you are wondering, I ran out of Dr Pepper last night. It was a tramatic experience, one that I am trying to hand le well. I am forcing down Coke, and okay, maybe forcing isn't the right word, but at least it isn't Pepsi, the swill of the next generation. They can have it.

you, you, reader, answer me this, can philosophy be defined. Without having to whip out an email to answer this brilliant question you can go to my livejournal and respond. easier that way

Hmmm, what else. Friends is all new for the month of February. That's right its sweeps month. The networks drag out all the good stuff for the month of february only to torture us afterwards with reruns. Course reruns of Friends are naturally marvelous by their very nature but still. 10 extra minutes though. 10! Extra! Minutes ! of Friends! in the month of February. VCR don't fail me now. Where's an inexpensive recordable dvd player when you need one. We're talking for posterity here!

okay maybe I'm a bit, tiny bit, fanatical about the show. But I love it. since my very first episode. you know I missed the first season. I forget why...oh wait, My so called life, that's what it was. looks down sheepishly. I liked the show. sorry! it was quality television. Nobody watched it, but still I liked that show.

okay I'm getting way off the topic. Yes! there was a topic...Friends. the best show on the planet. okay so maybe there is situational comedy over in India that I haven't seen that may just blow Friends out of the water. But you know what, I can't speak Indian, or hindi, or whatever they speak, so the jokes and humor....right over my head. I stick with american television thank you. Speaking of television. When I was in England, there was some really cool television. I forget the name of the police drama they had that I saw two episodes, but it was really good. And they had this really cool game show, knowledge based, where each round you had a certain amoiunt of time and everyone answered questions, and then after the round ended the players voted on who wasn't doing their part, until there was the winner. Course the only thing I didn't like about it was the prizes were so small. Compared to american game shows. Course who wants to be a millionaire the british version, I would much rather win a million pounds than american dollars.

okay off base again. Now I am just rambling. This would be a good point to go. but before I do, I must ask that you go read haikuboy. he's hilarious and one of my favorite reads every day. Currently he is somewhat amiss as to the loss of readership (you know he took christmas vacation to go back home during school break and feels he lost a lot of reader) so i am on the recruiting bandwagon. Hop on up, watch for splinters though, this wagon needs a good varnishing. But still you gotta read haikuboy Go, go now. quick before I pull another television anecdote out of my hat. I can you know. there was this one show....somebody stop me...

all righty then. So it appears as I have ome to the end of my entry. deep sighs heard all around so until further entries. Be Gone With You!

neurosis ~ catharsis