my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




an attempt at minutiae

Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2002 - 5:03 A.M.
Apparently cryptic is not appreciated. Hmmmmm. Apparently cryptic is secretive. :) Apparently I'm to be more revealing in my entries while at the same time providing a thought provoking entry. So much for this being my diary. Joking.

I realize I was rather cryptic and for the most part it was because I didn't know exactly what I was feeling. And writing this now it all seems even more a blur. Yes, I do have one clear notion as to what I was talking about but I don't think I am going to put it here for all the world to read. While it is a public journal, what I choose to put in it keeps it public.

I don't want you to think that I am keeping something from you, because that is not the case at all, well okay technically it is, but in the grand scheme of things, its not. And while you are not reading the grand scheme of things at the moment,rest assured when it is time.....

Today was one of those days where I almost called in sick. Wasn't sick, but I wanted to call in sick. And then when I got there I wanted to even more to go home sick. But I perservered hour upon hour of Martha and then it got worse because the person I had to work with in the evening has a terrible terrible terrible case of I dug up the body and reanimated it and made it go place in the cow shit, oh my lord, what is that horrible stench, body odor. Needless to say it was a long and odiferous evening. I tried my damnedest to keep clear of him and up wind. Only those of you who have worked with him know the horror that it is.

After work Wade gave me a ride home and we sat around and talked awhile, watched so tv and then he went home about 1:00 am. Then I signed online in hopes of tpying up and entry only I got sidetracked talking to derek till about 4:00 still in the a.m. SO I figure an entry would be good but I was feeling a bit restless so i took a shower which perked me up for about 10 minutes andthis is where I find myself, head leaningng back and eyes closed tpying by feel hoping that I am getting all teh right keys.

I was going to have a profound and though provoking entry but now I am sleeping from explaining the minutiae that was my day,. Aren't you so excited, I thought so,,,,,,

goood night, read melater

neurosis ~ catharsis