my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




what's inane entry?

Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2003 - 10:05 A.M.
What a difference a week makes. I'm serious. This time last week, everything had a grim and albeit horrible prospect. As you recall I had a couple of severely angst filled days last week on Tuesday and Wednesday, albeit they were not so angst filled for me as they were for someone else. But this week everything seems back to normal and full steam ahead. last week at this time I didn't think that to be very likely at all.

I don't want to say I was being pessimistic about everything, I was just very worried. And I was scared for a bit concerning what had happened and what might happen in the future. Not that everything is out of the woods, because that's not the case at all. But everything seems to be headed in the right direction. Which really puts my mind and heart at ease. I know, I know, cryptic, but that's the way it gots to be.

Wade came over yesterday, after I stood him up in the afternoon to take care of all the school stuff. Classes are all ready to go, temp loan paid for the first installment on my classes and my financial aid should come through at the end of the month so that I am not suddenly indepted to UNT right now.

Anyway right now he's sleeping on the couch. He stayed the night. I'm sure he's kicking himself for it now for I have an empty refrigerator, nothing of real entertainment value and aside from this computer, he was probably bored to tears. NO matter what he says. :) We did watch several episodes of Buffy. Two of the episodes, his favorites, when Willow is very vampy. Wade has a tenency to like the evil characters....I don't know why that is. He loves Spike, Druscilla, and Angelus. (not Angel) He hates Xander ever since the "cute boy" got killed instead of Xander in season one. Anyway, we watche Buffy, ate Pizza, drank Dr Pepper and he drank Pepsi.....not in my house, it was in the vending maching by the pool. Remember I have to food. Then he felt how comfortable a feather bed can be, till I knocked him off into the floor a couple of times and then I fell asleep. I'm assuming he did too cuz he was asleep on the couch when I woke up and went to get another couple of sody pops from the vending machine. How ghetto is that? lol Now he's trying to sleep on the couch again even though I am typing as loudly as I can.

I have to go to work today.

You know the only drawback to going to school on Tuesday thursday till 2:00 is that I really don't have any days off again. I was almost looking forward to having "days off" from everything, weork and school. Alas, I'd much rather be going to school with Derek though. He called me Tuesday morning expressing just how much he hated me for not getting the financial aid taken care of and losing my schedule. He had just gotten out of the first class and expressed his disdain for the class and the instructor and me for not being there and suffering through it with him. I felt obligated at that point to try one last time, seeing as how he revamped his whole schedule so that I would be going with him. Its the least I could have done. Right? So now I have no days off. Not that I foresee this as being a difficult school year. Yet. ANd you might recall our educational efforts when he to TCC for a semester. Granted as he saw it TCC is not a "real" school. He was quite disenchanted with the notion that TCC seemed to have a lot more prettier people than Denton did and I told him that no, that was not the case there were just more people up at Denton and that thus the number of "ugly people" was higher because the student population was higher. Course then there's the whole TCC being a two year college of sorts where as Denton is a University and the average age in much higher. Life has not drained the vitality off the TCC students quite yet. a side note...hereisgone aka Wade is a nerd. No I know this comes as no surprise to anyone, but I felt it needed to be put in writing.....let the word go forth.

YOu knowI think I mentioned back there somewhere that I had to go to work today. Its an ugly day outside so you can imagine my enthusiasm for venturing out into the cold in the first place but still work calls. Not that I work out in the elements, because how terrible would that be right now. I nearly froze to death in front of the vending machine. I call it a vending machine because I don't want to call it what it was, a Pepsi machine. Not a big fan of the liquid evil. Anyway the idea of freezing to death in front of said machine, with it casting is cerulean glow across my dead corpse kept me alive and strong enough to drop in two dollars for two cokes (its out of Dr Pepper) and two Pepsi colas and run back to the warmth of my apartment.

But yeah, I gotta work. Sigh. Our Lego store closes today. It was supposed to close on the 28th with my other Calendar store but apparent that was not meant to be. Do you hear the lamet in my voice. Poor Lego store, a terrific waste of money and resources, let's hope next Christmas you won't come a knocking, and if you do, may I be some where much colder.

But yeah, work. Its not nearly as intolerable as I was expecting it to be, what with Martha trying to be the hardass that she thinks she needs to be to get the job done. She's pissed off so many people in the last year that were it not for the tenacity of our human resources person to stick to her scruples martha would be out of a job so damned quick. She should be grateful, and yet I don't think she realizes it.

Anyway, I can already tell work is going to drag like crazy. I'm not looking forward to it at all. I forget who I am working with this evening. I usually work it to where I close with Leroy, but I gave him tonight off and so I have to wrok with someone else. Blech. I remedied that next week. mwahahahaha.

I think I've run the gamut of useless information for one entry. SO Iam going to go now. I know, I know, but be strong. Don't fret, I'll be back.

neurosis ~ catharsis