my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




heaven or hell

Tuesday, Feb. 04, 2003 - 8:13 A.M.
Guess where I'm at. I'll give you a hint. School. Crap I gave it away. Alas. That's where I am at. Well technically I am at the library again, watching Derek try and order something for Valentine's Day for his significant other. Its cute. I'm envious. SOmeone needs to give me something for valentine's. I guess technically I need a valentine before I can expect someone to give me something FOR valentine's day. I used to be such a romantic and used to like this holiday. If you want to call it a holiday. Now, I'm not much of a fan.

Heaven or Hell. I heard that in a song today on the way to class. Sad little song as a matter of fact and those words are plagueing my mind at the moment. I mean everything is good. I mean nothing is bad. But then again, nothing is great either. I want great at the moment. I want someone to be in love with me and want to get me something for Valentine. I want someone with whom I can be in love with and give valentine's too. This is terribly depressing, all of the sudden!

I have a test in an hour. Woo Hoo. If I fail, I'll be oh so pleased with myself. I suppose insteaed of typing an entry I could be studying, but my heart really isn't in it. I don't know why. Its silly really.

Work is pretty blah too.

Ms Baker, almost quit and went to work at another store. She is so tired of our boss. See she's the events co-ordinator for our store and practically the whole district. She is the romance bookseller liason for RWA (Romance Writer's of America) She is having to put together a presentation for the conference in New York this year. She has to put a presentation together for the DM meeting in August. Not to mention all kinds of other things. And she is really letting all of it pile up on her and she's tiring herself out. SHe was so upset Monday, during our meeting and so she almost just up and went to work at the Ridgmar store. I think i talked her out of it for the time being. I don't know how much longer she is going to stay though. Other than that, work pretty much is alright. I mean everything is done and so we just sit around and wait on customers which technically is what we are supposed to be......

Okay I am not watching him looking for things on his computer. I am averting my eyes....depressing. Though he is enjoying it, being all romantic and all....... sigh.

Nope, nope, we're not going to think about that.

hmmm, what else.

The weekend was pretty blah. I worked most of it though. SO what else is new.

Friday I took the day off. I was supposed to work up here at the store we were closing, but they finished on Thursday so I was free. And I decided to take a vacation day. hereisgone and I went and spent the day going here and there. He's decided he wants his old life back. We went to his old stomping grounds and he was wistful about it all, wanting it all back and everything he had......I understand that.

I'm trying to be supportive of the whole Valentine idea over there. He wants to make Leroy happy. Which is really really good. I am glad that he has someone. And its a good thing that I like Leroy too.

Saturday I worked in the morning and then did nothing in the evening. I was tired. I don't know why. COurse we did a great deal of walking on Friday. A great deal. But normally walking doesn't bother me.

Sunday, work and then home again.

Monday, work, then home again and lots of tv. I was supposed to be studying then too, but like this morning at this very moment studying seemed pretty b lah. So I just did nothing. Wade called and I went with him out to his apartment and to the tanning slaon where he paid 36 bucks for tanning lotion! Then back home and in front of the computer and the tv again.

If this doesn't scream MONOTONY, I don't know what does.

Oh Valentine of mine, where the hell are you and why aren't you here?

Okay. we're not going to think about Valentine right now. It doesn't exist. February 14 is like March 29th its really not a day. It really isn't. I say we get rid of it. Right now. Get rid of it.

Heaven or hell

I'll be the first person to say that I am musically illiterate. As a matter of fact I say it all the time. Its a good thing that I am, because music (songs) affect me a great deal. But of course I thing they affect everybody a great deal. That's what they're supposed to do. And they do. And if i can remember the name of that song, I will probably go home and download it and listen to it ad nauseum. I do that. Most people listen to bunches of songs. Not me, one will keep me going and going and going. The first time I listened to Addagio for Strings, a most eloquent piece of music, I listened to it continuously forever. Its so passionate for not having words. Music can be so beautiful. There are songs I don't like but the music for them are incredible OR the music is what makes me like the song.

Anyway.......I don't know where I was going with this.

I talked to Mel the other day. I invited her to come up in March. She loves this one particular author that we have doing an autographing. Its a romance author, her favorite romance author of all time. Kathleen Woodiwiss, and I invited her to come up and have lunch with her. Ms Baker was nice enough to let me bring a guest. That's the week of my vacation, or at least that day is the last day of my vacation. Its the end of spring break. But she says she will come so...hopefully she will.

Somebody come up here and take my test, someone proficient in astronomy....any takers. FIne you're all cruel malicious bitches. I hope you all find yourself stuck in a room with someone who just had meixcan food an hour earlier. And you can't get out.

okay. I gotta go. I know, I know, this was so much excitement you're glad that I am leaving so that you can come down form this literary high. Your welcome. Read me later

neurosis ~ catharsis