my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




random crap

Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 - 8:31 A.M.
Things to remember today

Dinty Moore's dinners in a box suck. they smell like dog food and if I can recall back to a younger day, they pretty much taste like dog food too. (not that I've ever eaten canned dog food. lol) Yes when I was little I happened to have chomped a little of the hard dogfood and lived to tell it. Same goes for the dog biscuits.) Auggie, sweet dog of mine, I'm sorry we feed yo that crap

Second, Avril didn't win any grammy's I know that Wade is propably hyperventilating over the fact that Norah Jones won 5. I can only smile. I like them both, but I had hoped that Avril would win something. She's so wonderful.

Ice tea is the best drink in the world outside of Dr Pepper, which I'm out of.

Dr Pepper is the best drink in the world. There's no use you arguing your case about Pepsi, that liquid evil. Shush, I mean it now.

There are too many books in the world and not enough hours in the day. I vote we extend it to a 36hour day. But then that's the name of a book about the Alzheimer's. Hmm, we'll have to rethink this.

People are good. Really good. Some of them are a bit misguided, even teh best of us, but I believe inherently good. At least the ones I know. I don't know why they're good, its a whole societal thing and acceptance I think, but still, in my eyes people are good.

okay that's enough to remember for one day

let's see, what else to go into the trusty entry.

I haven't talked to Wade all weekend. I don't know why. I saw that he tried to call Saturday night at almost midnight but i didn't get to talk to him. Neither one of us called on Sunday. Which is kinda peculiar. Perhaps I should call him this morning.

Its nasty cold out side. This winter thing really has to go. If you're not gonna snow, then you oughtn't really show. I want some freakin snow man.

I have to work today.....miss baker in her kindness has offered to drive me to work this morning. Idon't know why, but she thinks its too cold for me. ha

I've got a picture of me cycling to work in the snow, it looks really blustery and cold and the snowflakes are huge. But that's been a while. A long while. We ain't had real snow since then. It was fun. But that was in '95.

Anyway. what else.

I used to think chatrooms were really blah. I really did. I mean okay when I first discovered aol and maybe it was prodigy first, chat rooms were the bomb and I would go into the book discussion room and talk about books, (see that's the nerd in me, err I mean the sophisticated individual) but the topic always shifted to something or other and before too long we were talking crap about nothing and I would just watch the dialogue scroll up and off the screen. Now they're okay. Still no deep philosophical discussions of the repercussions of Harry Potter on the publishing world or anything like that (no that's not what I talk about) but still. Chatrooms have their purpose I guess. Anyway. i don't know where that came from. But I'm sure it will leave you pondering for days until you broach the topic. hehe.

I don't really have much else to say.

On my computer I have arandom quote of the day from Calvin & Hobbes.

oooops gotta go

neurosis ~ catharsis