my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression

Simple Plan ......I'm addic.....I'm addicted to you......irony

Concubine's Tattoo by Laura Joh Rowland

The birds out side the patio windows

birthday's are like anyother day

Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 - 9:58 A.M.
Random Qoute:

From now on, I'm not doing anthing I don't want to do. THe world overs me happiness, filfillment and success....I'm just here to casdh in. - Calvin

Today is boxosoap aka Wade's birthday. He's 22. You should take time out of your busy schedule to go and wish him a happy birthday. I will of course be doing my part as his best friend and showering him with food and gifts or lacking anything better, singing to the rooftops for all the world to know, that indeed it is his birthday. I'm writing this now in the event that he has killed me for this unnecessary display. lol

We're going to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, unless of course he changes his mind. He is apt to do that sometimes, and it being his birthday, I'm willing to consent to such a change, this once.

I don't know what the rest of the day holds in store. Not much planning on my part. Alas, it appears as though his proper documentation to ring in the occasion in drunken style, has not arrived. Therefore the drunken behavior will be postponed to a future date TBD.

Hopefully by the end of the day, we will have found something enjoyable for him to remeber and mark this day. Last year at this time, we were in San Francisco, actually we were driving along Pacific Coast Highway at this time and I was shooting the ocean view with all three cameras. Apparently, I took too many pictures of the water.....sigh. what ya gonna do. Its hard to believe its been a year.

I feel like I have gone through some sort of metamorphosis, I mean, the way I view things, the way I thing about things and people seems a bit more interesting. Those of you who don't know me, know I was (and am to a lesser degree) something of an introvert. I know, shocker, but its true. forward to March 16th..........

Let's see it's not Wade's birthday anymore. And I've been told that next year, we won't be celebrating it, thank you very much. The day in and of itself was really nice. Wade and I went out to Dallas and ate at Cafe you recall ealier in the entry we were going to Cheesecake Factory, but he changed his mind....tada! So no cheesecake factory and teh possibility of me slipping the note I wrote to the waiter to have them write happy b-day on his piece of cheese cake. :(

Then we spent the day going here and there, first to his grand parents to receive the birthday endowment from his grandparents and then we went to the mall to try and spend it, but it was somewhat unsuccessful.As the day wore on, a trip to the barren wasteland of ugly, aka Iriving Mall, left Wade a bit down on the whole brithday experiece. He did happen upon a Simple Plan tee that he went all peppy over and it did lift his spirits a bit. Afterwards we head back out to dallas where he wanted to shop at Union Jack for something, but fortunately there was nothing he found that was exciting or "him." Afterwards it was over to Paige's apartment, (for another 15 days before moving day) and hung out. Surprisingly, Derek and Leroy decided to join us out there. And it started out okay but then a discussion ensued that left everyone very perturbed and vociferous and by the end of the evening I was glad to see march 14 come to an end.

Saturday was fun. I spent the day with mdcknight Derek, until about 4:00. We were going to go to the Galleria and window shop, sincewe're both poor, but first we decided to check out apartments, you know those very nice richy "bougia bougia" apartments, the Seramont and The Mansions. They were both nice, but The Mansions had an incredible pool. But the apartment seemed really small. THe Seramont looked really nice, the apartment itself was airier and seemed larger and it was less expensive. Its funny, the leasing agent, as his card described him, was this guy Jake that I knew when I worked at North Hills Mall. He used to work at the McDonald's there. I leaned over to Derek and whispered "I think I know this guy and then we're talking to him and he asks me my name and we talk a bit and he asked me if I saw anybody else from back then and he named a couple of people he worked with, and I'm thinkin I wouldn't know them if I were to stumble over them. But Derek didn't like anything about the apartments. I liked them both, but I like the apartment at the Seramont better, but the Mansions had several better amenities. We stopped at another one, the ones out by grapevine mills, but they rushed us through. The leasing agent had one hooked I think and she was having nothing to do with "perspective residents, when she had one with a pen in hand. Fortunately for us, while waiting on the leasing agent, we ate the cookies set out for potential residents. Well not all of them. I only had one. *grins*

Then we made an unsuccessful attempt to go to Galleria, but after several wrong turns and mis turns, an unnecessary trek along the tollway, away from the mall (you know there are no free exits off of the tollway, which is odd that you can accidently get on the tollway but you can't get off without paying. Why is that. We of course looked for one and watched as our toll increased incrementally the further we drove till we exited atthe cost of 75 of my hard earned cents. It was funny though. Then we went to circuit city and best buy where I looked at lap tops. I'm pondering getting a new one, you know with all those new fandangle gadgets and gizmos. the whole idea makes me giddy. Afterwards Derek went home and I came home and spent the rest of the dayhaving alone time. Course I did call Wade, but there was no answer and he didn't call me back until about 2:00 ish in the a.m. but I was asleep by then so there was no hanging out with him to be had.

And that my dear diary was the last two days in some sort of detail.

And the weather was phenomenal. The sky was perfectl blue, it was a little warm, but I was dressed for the occasion in shorts and a sleeveless abercrombie shirt and flip flops. perfect ritzy apartment shopping attire of course.

All in all, a fun day was had by all.

Today appears to be the making of a wonderful day. I have my front door open and a blissfl breeze is blowing through. Although its a bit fragrant because my neighbors are PWT. I have to go up towork t sign the time sheet, I forgot to sign out on Thursday for the week. lol But, other than that, no plans abound, though I am looking at an unruly pile oflaundry that needs to be taken care of.....sigh.....

neurosis ~ catharsis