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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Hedda Gabler was a bitch, so wrote Ibsen, an inferential paraphrase, of course

Tuesday, Apr. 02, 2002 - 9:56 A.M.
Its already April! I can't believe it already April. This year is going by way too fast. Everything is just passing by much more quicklythan I would like. I don't think I am living by Swiss time or TImex for that matter. Everything is coming and going and I don't know if I like it. You look forward to something and the next thing you know its come and gone. Everything seems to be like that right now. Its a bit unnerving. Work, school, friendships, in the last three months and two days everything has changed from what it was on New Years Day. Everything is different. I'm feeling abit muddled about it all.

I just finished rereading my entries from my trip to London last year. I can't believe its been almost a year. So much is different today than what it was a year ago. I mean I shudder to think what this time next year will be like, who will be in my life, who won't be. That has been heavily on my mind lately. It feels like everyone is going to scatter to the 4 corners of the earth.

I don't know why I have this need rightnow for stability in the relationships that i have with the those around me. I have an aversion to change. Some things don't change, but a lot of things do and it feels like I really don't have much control over them if any at all. Which sort of bothers me.

I have new neighbors again. I swear since I have lived here there havebeen like 10 people who have lived upstairs from me. Course I've been here 3 and a half years. But people are in and out of the upstairs apartments like crazy. I don't think I have known any of their names either. Except for one neighbor who I went to high school with and then tehre was one who had my last name. But I only knew that because I started getting their subscription to People magazine. I wish they had a subscription to Entertainment Weekly. That would have been cooler. Not that I would have read them, of course. :)

Derek is gainfully employed again, at Joe's Crab Shack. The first time I went there, I thought he should get a job there and then we went there to celebrate Paige's birthday and I told him he should work there and voila, now he does. Which is good, but bad too. FOr me, Cuz I haven't talked to him or seen him except for once or twice in the last 15 days since we've been back, cuz he's been sick and he and Adam are good again and now he has a new job and stuff like that, it leaves me a bit melancholy.

Well I gotta go sit and be bored in my Counseling Theory class, the n Iget to take a quiz in World Lit over Hedda Gabler by Ibsen. I read it this morning. It was a bit entertaining. Hedda was something of a bitch. No really she was. If you plan on reading it, then you might want to look past this last bit where I tell you she kills herself. la la.Ooops to late Isaid it. BUt she was, a bitch,.

Okay I'm outta here. I'll talk at you later.

neurosis ~ catharsis