my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression

Have fun at work

Finish the new John Sandford book

take a deep breath

Makes you want to take a deep breath

Friday, May. 03, 2002 - 10:14 A.M.

It's one of those gray wet mornings that you think are going to be miserable, only when you open up the sliding glass door and the cool morning air hits you, you think that maybe it'll be a good day cuz well the air you think man that feels pretty good and there are a few birds twittering to themselves in the trees about that very same air and the small waterfall that's by the swimming pool is making that babbling brook sound that is somewhat relaxing expecially with those birds twittering and the cool fresh morning air and even though you are planning to do laundry but can't because two of the machines are already in use and you need all four and you don't have time to do just two loads and then two more cuz you have to be at work in like 3 hours and well laundry takes a good hour and a half especially since you have to use the laundrymat since you don't have your own washer and dryer and you realize that yeah no clean clothes, well a pair of work pants and a blue shirt that needs to be ironed will get you through the day but other than that no clean clothes and you know you need to do laundry and among other things and its really rather irritating that someone else decided that they needed to do laundry at the same time and it really irritates you because now you'll probably end up having to do laundry after you get off work, that is if you aren't doing anything afterwards, which you are hoping that you are because while Friday night is just another night of the week, laundry on a Friday night sounds especially pathetic, so hoping that you are doing something with friends instead sounds a bunch better,but one of your friends has his wisdom teeth coming in and is probably going to be taking a xanex or however you spell it when he gets off early at 1:00 today and will probably sleep the day and night away, and your other friend has to work a double today and tomorrow and is probably not going to want to do anything although you want to do something with him before he goes on his cruise with his parents that you wish so much that you were going on too, but can't cuz you are terribly terribly terribly poor and well that's a whole 'nother story that you don't even want get into cuz its a little depressing how broke you are, so you're wanting to go on a cruise with your friend who would more than likely have much more fun if you were coming cuz otherwise its just him and his parents and while it is a cruise still its with his parents and hey, anyway, you're lots of fun to be with and he'd have much more fun with you cuz you get along smashingly instead you're gouing to have to work the whole week and take finals and go to class even though its thelast week and youonly have two finals, one of which you don'teven want to take cuz well you haven't been to the class since your last exam and don't even know what you made on the last test or what is going tobe on this test so you don't even know what grade you have in there and then you have your World Lit final that isn'tthe most reassuring of exams as you didn't do too well on hte first one and this one is the exactsame format as the first one and while in the back of your mind you are thinking to yourself that it really doesn't matter I mean even if you failed boththe classes this semester that you ahve left you have so many grade points and so many semester hours it really would affect your grade point average so much with is a testament to how long you've been going to school and while the verythought at this moment kinda bums you out a little, its still not so much a bad thing because you are going and you are enjoying going even though this hasn't been teh most productive of semesters still all in all it turned out to be one of the funnest semesters of school that you have ever had because for a moment you could really care less how you did and that in and of itself kinda tells you how in the scheme of things, in the big picture, what all of it is worth so you can only nod your head and see everything as it is, not just school but work and friends and family and your own personal happiness and joy that you get out of life and how you get all that joy and happiness from your friends and your family and your work and whether or not it is going to be a good experience or a bad one is something you will have to determine yourselfbut making the best of things, making things worth while, even the small things, fighting the good fightr, not going gently into that good night, sotrming the gates and all that and not falling under the ruse that the meek shall inhereit the earth stuff because teh earth is what we have now and if we are meek then we end up with nothing here and while heaven awaits us, you can't iamgine that God wants us to sit back and hope that everything we live our life for will come to us but surely we have to go to it and take it and make it ours instead of being led to our old age, to are death by our wants and dreams unfulfilled and then you have to pause and take abig deep breath because you have gone from pondering hte cool morning air to doing laundry to all these philosophical thoughts all in one breath and many a misppelling error and you can only comeback to It does look like its going to be one of those days, doesn't it.

neurosis ~ catharsis