my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression

Schmirnoff Ice goes good with Pizza

I'm all out of Crown

bippity boppity boo

who says the back of a box isn't interesting

Tuesday, May. 07, 2002 - 10:14 A.M.
Do you ever get to a point where you really don't care about something. I mean reallydont care at all. That's where I am right now. I have never ever done this before and yet here I am sitting here playing on the computer when I should be in class taking a final in my counseling theory class. But I just don't care. I really don't Which is sort of freaking me out cuz up til now school was very important to me. But I made it too important I think. I mean I do enjoy it a great deal, but I've always made it have this important hold over me that if I screw up or mess up I was going to be ruined or something and its just not so. I think I decided like a week ago that I wasn't going to be taking the final. I hadn'tbeen to class and hadn't even opened the book for this particular test so I would be going in there blind anyway and while there was a chance that I could have raised my grade there was a bigger chance that it would have hurt my grade. Not only that but my grade wasn't so great in there.

So, I blew off my counseling theory final. GO figure. I don't even know why. I'm a freak. Yeah that's the answer.

I need to go up there and sell my books back. Get a little $$ for all the heartache that I put myself through. Not gonna get anything close to what I paid for them. Its really irritating, to tell the truth, but what you gonna do. But still a little green'll do me some good.

DId I tell you I went to see Spiderman. It made $114 million opening weekend, a record breaking opening weekend. I liked it, I didn't LOVE it or anything like that. But it was good. I'd see it again, and would probably like it better. I don't know. It was good. I'd say see it at least once. The next one should be better.

Have you seen teh tv guide for this week. The covers are really cool. I bought all three covers. They are promoting Star Wars. I'm not a big fan of star wars per se, but I liked it. Anyway I bought the three tv guides. You should see them, I tried to order more for the store to sell to the general public, but alas the distributor was already out. or so they told me. I also ordered some different magazines for the store, I even ordered one that Wade'll like to read. He won't have to go all the way to Dallas for a copy anymore. or to the evil empire (aka barnes and noble)

This is kind of a rambling entry isn't it? Blah.

Its kinda gray outside. I'm reading this new mystery by one of my favorites Michael Connelly, called City of Bones. Its really good. You should read it. I finished Mortal Prey by John Sandford the other day. It was great. He's an awesome author. He's a pulitzer prize winning journalist. His mysteries are greay, expecially the Lucas Davenport mysteries. Great. I've got books all over the place. Ask anyone who knows me. they're everywhere. Its really hard being poor though and not being able to buy all teh books that I want. You think they're all over the place now, just imagine had I extra money to spend on books. Sheesh. I have to move into a bigger apartment soon. Sigh. Books are good though. They really are. Those of you who don't reas, are really missing out. I mean seriously. I used to not read, I used to hate to read, but you've heard that story before so I won't go into it, suffice to say I love it now that I know there is actually good stuff to read instead of all that "literature" tehy made us read in high school. Heck who would want to read if it was all like that. Not me, that's for sure.

Anyway, that was an interesting little segway to no where.

The new 5 quarter sets from teh mint are now available. I need to get those They're very cool. I collectthings, in case you didn't know. I really do. I collect coins, shot glasses, books, stamps, I used to collect key chains, swatch watches, anyway I collect things. I think I am forgetting something, but, that's alright. Oh comic books. Though I am tempted to sell all those, so that I can look back 20 years from now and say, i should have kept those. hehehe. I have stephen king books in 5 languages. I have the first Harry Potter book in 8 languages. I'm odd. I want the Japanese and the Russian editions. those would be cool.

I wonder what Derek is doing right now. He's probably still asleep. His cruise ship is probably drifting along the Caribbean on his way to Cancun or something. Lucky bastard. I want to go on a cruise. I really do. I always have. But never have. I need to. Maybe next year. Hmmm. But I want to go back to England again too. If I didn't already live in the greatest country in all the world, I would move to England. I would love to live there. Its magnificent. I love things english. The accent is has that je ne c'est quoi .... I don't know what that is magnificent. Its classic. It brilliant. I love it. I watched NOtting Hill last until Wade came over. I mean Julia Roberts is the best anyway, and plus its in England. Hugh Grant is pretty cool too. I mean aside from that whole scandal of his a few years back, he's till pretty cool. He's british, has a cool accent, and he got to kiss Julia Roberts. I mean what a lucky guy. Do you realize that Julia Roberts and I are the same age. I mean a perfect scenario would be that she would drop her latest love interest, come to texas for a movie shoot, happen into my bookstore, become instantly enamoured with me, (I am charming you know) we can have a torrid affair that is splashed all over the headlines but we would live happily ever after. Granted, she is red haired, but she is the only red haired chica I have ever though t to be attractive. I mean I didn't even like Meg Ryan with red hair (you know the movie The Doors with whathisface) Anyway the only drawback of a me and Julia scenario is that it would most likely put a kibosh on my whole Meg and me scenario. She is a few years older than me but still, she is so so so beautiful.

My but this is just pandering to the least common denominator isn't it. This isn't a diary entry at all. Blech. But keep reading. it could get better.

I encountered a truly strange person the otehr day at work. I'd seen him before, he worked at a Pizza Hut with a friend of mine and was completely enamoured with her, but he's a complete freak. H really is. Freak as in the salt shakers empty but he's still ashakin. He was walking through the bookstore with his enamourado, another scary scary individual, and he stops at the counter and stars talking to me. He proceeds to tell me why he doesn't like Dallas, not for any other reason than he doesn't like the cops. Now of course people don't like cops in general because they get pulled over and everything like this. Well not this guy. Oh no. Apparently he has proof, as in a photograph, that the Dallas Police department killed JFK. He has a photograph of a man shooting JFK in the head with a pistol. Needless tosay I inched my way away from the counter and pretended to busy myself with other things, till this stranger ambled away with his lady friend in tow. Frightening.

Did you ever notice that a can of Comet cleanser and a can of Kraft Parmesan cheese look exactly the same? I notice that the other day.

oh dear, we've ambled into the what teh hell are you talking about zome. That's my queue to end this entry before I ......well you don't want to know. I'm gone. Read me later if you're look for the mundanely oddness that is life

neurosis ~ catharsis