my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




you're a few words short of a complete sentence.

Thursday, May. 23, 2002 - 12:09 P.M.
You know, I don't dance. I say that, because those of you who do know me, know, I don't dance. It would be a sad state of affairs if I did. Instead you can put a barstool under me and I will look like this. That's me getting down. Kinda puts you in a melancholy frame of mind doesn't it. Occasionally, if I am really "happy" I cling to the bar, bebopping my head to the beat, occasionally leaning back and away from the bar, two legs of the barstool off the ground, living life on the edge.

Yesterday was such a good day. It really was. From beginning to end. granted there was a little blech thrown in for good measure, but overall, a good day was had by all, and when I say all, I mean me.

Woke up at about 9:00 ish in the a. of m. thinking why in the name of all that is good and decent, which when you think about it is a nice cold Dr Pepper and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, anyway why was I waking up so early as I had almost but not quite watched teh sunrise, okay I probably fell asleep like an hour before the official sunrise. But anyway I slept a good three hours. So I was rarin to go. I had planned on visiting the pool, the pool and I are great friends. its keeps me cool in the summer time. But the pool person decided yesterday was a good day to clean the pool. Bastard. So I ended up not swimming at all. Derek called about 11:45 ish after a long hard day at class and we went and had lunch, then I had to go to work while he played the day away, lucky bastard. He got his haircut, it was getting too long apparently and then he went home and took a nap. Rough, rough day. :) I on the otherhand had to work all day long. Which in and of itself was a good day. We were pretty busy for a Wednesday and I was as i say having agood day up to that point so it just kept being a good day, even with me having to wrok with Janelle. I'm sorry, the girl is like a few words short of a complete sentence. She's not all there. Lunch found me at discovery channel talking to Wade. He couldn't have lunch cuz his boss left early so he had to have lunch inhis backroom. So he rolled out a spare chair and I sat at the entryway to the backroom and talked to him for my lunch. Hindsight says I should have eaten something. Anyway lunch over, back to work, this is where Janelle comes in. And I try to busy myself and scan returns. The day passes quickly enough and before I know it, although that last hour is brutal cuz all teh returns are done and its just me and Janelle and a customer somewhere inthe store. So we close in good fashion and she is on her way. I get home, trun on the computer and Derek chimes i, just waking from his nap. We end up going to Village where the happy revelry and merry making commences. Start off at the bar with a shot of Crown chased quickly by a long island ice tea. Very tasty. Derek and his friend Josh headed to the rose room and I to the ATM. I hadn't brought but 20 to the club so I figure a little financial infusion to the wallet would be a good thing. So then I headed back upstairs and stopped at the bar for a shot of Southern comfort, not my favorite, it has a woody taste to it, but it hit the spot in no time at all. I sat out on the patio and let my buzz get to buzzing. And I was good. I was real good. Wade showed up some time later. A littel technical difficulty arose but was hammered out amicably over chicken nachos. I don't like to cry. I hate it actually. its somewhatof a buzz kill to say the least. And I can recall at least three times that I did. or maybe it was just one long bawl session and I was only coherent for three segments of it. I don't know. But then Wade and I went to Cafe Brazil for, yes you guessed it, the "best damn chicken nachos on the planet" That should be their slogan.

THE best damn Chicken Nachos on the planet
They were mighty tasty. Afterwards we wrecklessly drove home, not a good idea in hindsight but we made it in one piece. I told wade he needed to sleep on my couch but he went home instead. He had to be at work in the mornin' whereas I am off today. And I am recuperating nicely. Derek had class this morning too, but he made it and even made a 100 on his quiz to boot. And him being a blond and all. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Just kidding. he's smart. So here I sit, in a pair of boxers contemplating lunch of some kind..... so that was my day. in a nutshell. Sounds grand doesn't it? Supposed to go back out tonight. We're, and I mean me here, going to stay away from the longisland ice tea. or maybe the crown or maybe the combination in quick succession. Hmmm, something to contemplate. Don't have much else to add, I guess, so I'll be off and away. Perhaps I will talk to you soon. Perhaps youwill see me coming and just start running. It might be better for you. okay, read me later. Ciao!

neurosis ~ catharsis