my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




Here's your damn entry :)

Wednesday, Jun. 26, 2002 - 8:58 A.M.
Update update update, where's your freakin' update! Geez you'd think i was a writin' machine over here. I'm only one man, only one man. I haven't even had my morning Dr Pepper. (pops the tops, hear that onrush of carbonation, ahhhh, smell that ambrosia, that nectar of the gods, take a deep drought, your throat working, the carbonation tickling your throat as itworks its way down, yeah, that's the stuff) Okay, now I'm ready.

You'll all be happy to know that the devil woman, didn't come and get her book yesterday, or the day before that. Maybe she has landed like a pox on someone elses store. Maybe she is the bane of someone else's existence for a day or week. Maybe she got hit by a ...... You people should be ashamed of yourselves, wishing bad things to happen to that poor defenseless old woman who hold a special place in.....hell.

No she didn't come and see me, thank the gods. not the minor ones, speaking of which, look who updated his diaryland. Its funny I was just reading it the otherday thinking to myself that he wasn't going to update it anymore, that it had lost its raison d'etre But apparently I was wrong. Mark the date, that happens so rarely. Ask anyone, except for that person, and that person and you, and you, and you and that person over there, they're all wrong and are bitter about it and are more than willing to bring down my good name.

So anyway,I can't say as the last two days held anything of importance. It was pointed out to me over my Wendy's hamburger that I forgot to mention that I was having lunch with Wade on Monday. And my defense was, and still is, that I didn't point it out because at the time I was ranting about the vile evil woman who was bound to be in my bookstore. Why mix the two topics and then have one associate the two incidents in the same vein. I did it for him so as not to sully the good name of lunch. But next time, buddy......

Anyway Monday at work was good. The day went by really fast and was over before you know it. Oh and I had lunch with Wade and Paige. Now don't think that since I said "oh" that it just occured to me that I had lunch with Wade and Paige, no I just want to alert everyone, that indeed, I did have lunch with Wade and Paige. It was in the food court. I had Wendy's. Wade did too, except he just had the chili. Blech. Not that they have bad chili, mind you, just blech in general. Then later, Derek called me and we went to Sonic. He want a cherry vanilla pineapple Dr Pepper and I had a peach cream pie shake and by accidnet (orwas it design) a peach cream flurry. Both were good. Randy was at the store, so I was in no hurry to get back so we stretched my ten minute break and then he came in and spent the rest of his break talking to me, catching me up about the new homestead and the goings on there. Then work was over and Wade and Paige came over and Wade downloaded music cuz I have dsl and he doesn't. MWAHGAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Paige left and at some point I fell asleep and Wade continued to download till the wee hours of the morning. Then he went home I crawled into bed and slept for a couple more hours until I had to get up. Then I got up, cooked a couple of OScar Mayer franks in the microwave and wrapped them in tortillas and called that lunch. Went to the pool and swam for a bit, well really I got in the pool, got out and read Dead Zone some more until I had to come back and get ready for work.

Work on Tuesday was monotony with a capital M. okay so there was no capital m, but still, you get what I'm sayin' right. Irene Martha and Carolyn were there for the first part of the day and I let them do all teh wrok while I received the new stuff in theback room. I tried to stretch it but it was pretty much done by two o'clock. which left another 7 hours to go. efficiency does indeed have its drawbacks. Fortunately I'm quite efficient at doing absolutely nothing too, so I put that to good use. Lunch came and went and I spent it with an ice cream sandwich. We had a good time till I ate it all, then I just sat by the fountain and watched teh strange people walk by. The last couple of days, the mall has been filled with terribly plain people. See I could have said ugly or odd or strange, but I just said plain. Who says I'm not a nice person. Anyway, I watched them amble on in their own little lives while I watched perched in one of those compfortable blue chairs that they have in front of Sax Fifth Ave. Then it was back to work. Derek called and we ran over to my house real quick to pick up the book I picked up or him for Leroy. Derek is working on his defensive driving. This as a result of his inability to stay within the speed parameters designated by local law enforcement authorities as we made our trek across the country to California. So he was taking a defensive driving course online and having to use the television at the same time, leaving Leroy with nothing to do. So we ran by and got the book and gave him the cd with teh videos I downloaded for him. Why, cuz I'm a giver. I am too. Ask anyone, but the previously pointed out individuals. They would lie. And steal all your candy too. Speaking of which. There's this old man who came by the store the other day and ordered these two books. They were books on bible prophecy. Which while were on the topic, I don't think they are invalid, the whole idea of prophecy seems a bit ludicrous, but I don't want to say that it can't exist.....anyway this old man ,he reaches into his pocket and pulls out this whole hadnful of candy and lays it on the counter and I'm thinking to myself, eeeeeewwwwwwwww,I wouldn't eat candy that's been sitting in an old man's pocket for who knows how long. He pushes the big pile of sugary evil in my direction and says, this is for you. I say thanks with a manufactured smile and pick it up gingerly and put it on the clipboard. He turns around and offers suckers to the three girls that are sitting on the bench behind him. One of them takes it, and I scream mentally,

Don't take candy from Strangers!!!

She does anyway. the other two refuse. Late, the three girls question me about the capital of one of the provinces in canada. After some research we find the answer and i look over and teh girl is sucking on that sucker. I want to reach over and take it away from her. But I show amazing restraint and watch her go to her own demise. Anyway, let that be a lesson concerning the hazrds of segue ways, they lead you down paths that might very well bore you to death.

Now where was I. Oh yeah, work. Finally it was over and Wade came over and we did absolutely nothing for like hours on end. I cooked a DiGiorno pizza. I'm not a big fan of frozen pizza mind you, especially when I can have Papa John's delivered or something like that, but I had it and all I had had for lunch was that short relationship with an ice cream bar so I was a tad hungry. I talked to Mel for a little bit, catching up, enticing her with the idea of Uno's pizza, planting the seed that will blossom into an overpowering desire to travel up north for the overwhelming pizza delight that is Uno's Numero Uno pizza. I shall fan the flames by repeating it again. Uno's Pizza. MMMMM, you know you want some. That should be there slogan. I'll call them. Anyway, I talked to derek for a bit online too, he was a bit perturbed at the goings on at home. lalalala hehe. Then he had to take the first test online and that's the last I heard from him. I told him he needed to have lunch with me today, before he went to work, but I don't know if he will. He's been something of a homebody of late, and I don't like it. :)

Other than that, today I am going to work at around 1:00, looking forward to 9:20 or so like I have never looked for it before. Cuz I am off for the next three days and then when I get back Martha is off for the next 4 days and then its the 4th of July and I open and am off the next day and well all I gots to say is somebody better ring in th holiday with me in high spirits or I shall bore you all with another inane entry as to what the hell is wrong with all of you! And don't think I won't either.

So there. There's my entry. Are you happy? Is it fulfilling enough? I should hope so. :) If you've made it this far, congratulations, those of you,who's mental corpses fell along the way, I shall say a prayer at your mock funeral to the deity of boredom that he may strengthen you for your next trek through my domain. Read me later, if you can stomach it.

neurosis ~ catharsis