my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




it ain't all that and a cup of soup you know

Monday, Jun. 24, 2002 - 9:48 A.M.

who doesn't like Calivn & Hobbes? Who? I have to know. I'm taking names. Then well I'll know. And you will get yours. And you don't want it, I guarantee. I can't believe you don't like Calvin & Hobbes. You have issues. No you do. Lots of issues. Issues that can't be resolved by a psychiatrists who can administer drugs and everything. Its sad really.

I'm going swimming in a little bit. I hope the water is cold. Its been so hot lately that the pool warms up. Not that its like swimming in soup or anything, cuz well that would be gross. But still. A swim in oh-my-god-i'm-going-to-freeze-to-death cold water is better than swimming in water that feels like sweat. Don't you agree. I thought so. Then I have to go to work. Sigh....not the most exciting plans for the day.

We have this one customer that will be coming in today. We'll call her Miss V. She's an evil bitch if there ever was one. She just reads these series romances by harlequin and silhouette. You know the ones. That's all she reads. And she calls everyday, and when I say everyday, I mean EVERYFUCKINGDAY to see if they are in. Saturdays, sundays when we don't get deliveries and we have told her we don't get deliveries on those two days you would think any normal rational person wouldn't waste their time and mine to call about these books, but guess what, yeah, she calls. She's a very unfortunately looking woman too. She's as old as the hills. Somewhat on the ugly side. I can say that, cuz while I'm no prince charming, she was beaten with an ugly stick, okay they used the whole tree. I know that sounds mean, but I don't really like this woman at all. And she is going to call today and someone will tell her that yes the book she is looking for came in today and she is going to come in sucking on her teeth (she does that when she talks and her teeth are gross and nasty looking) and her hair is always the wrost dye job you ever saw and she'll come up with this one little book that's like $4.50 and she'll say andrew looks like you got a sale and I want to cram the book down her throat and ask her how it tastes. Of course I don't do that. I just grin and ring her teh hell up so that she can get the hell out of my store and away from me so I don't have to listen to that sucking smacking noice when she's talking and sucking on her tetth. It's kind of creepy really.

But that's what I have to look forward today. I know you wish you were me, but this life is taken. Get back in line!

I didn't tell you about my days prior to this entry did I.

Well I'll do that now, so just hold your freakin' horses. Geez

let's see. Saturday yeah saturday escape by unnoticed.

I didn't really do much. I had another bookfair to go to, this one over in RIchardson. Its a writer's group. We didn't do too well, but itwas like 500 bucks we wouldn't have had in the first place. Then Wade and Paige came over and we went to Good Eats for dinner. Somebody, we'll call him WW doesn't like lines or people and couldn't wait 20 minutes to sit down at cheddars, which you know have thebest cheese fries and quesadillas on the planet, so instead we went to good eats. No line on a saturday night. Ought to tell you something. We ate, Derek called and I accidently called Wade Derek when I was telling Derek what I was doing. For some reason they both took offense to it. So one is crying foul in my ear as the other one is throwing greasy GoodEat's fries at me. Granted I'm laughing like a buffoon. After wards we head back to the ol' homestead where we watch the horrible Not Another Teen Movie. Paige picked that out so we get to put her in front of a firing squad at sunrise. You should come, it'll be fun. It doesn't count that i laughed at the movie, I laugh at everything. Anyway, that was my saturday

Friday....friday I worked all day and then Wade came over and downloaded music while watching tv. he was quite please athis accomplishment. He doesn't have dsl and so downloading about 130 songs in two hours was nirvana to him. Granted a large number ofthe songs are questionable as far as quality. I mean Gloria Estefan's the Conga...what is up with that??? Just kidding. He can't help himself. He needs to boogie. GRIN. And I think I already wrote about Thurday, right? Or wasthat written thursday morning.

I was off thursday. I made meatloaf, It was damned good meatloaf too, just in case you were wondering, oh my god it was good. And I don't think we did anything other than that. I know I was home for Friends and watched Will and Grace but other than that, I don't remember anything else. hmmmmm. But that was the last three days. I see you're reveling in my existence. Kepp it to a minimum will you. I don't want towhole world envious of me. GRIN.

Anyway if this bored you, then you need to go and read SAM cuz well he only wrote about going to the grocery store, okay and going out on a date with a boy with B.O. who kept trying to put his head on his shoulder during the movie Jeepers Creepers. I think I would have hung myself, I mean Jeeper's Creepers was ahorrible movie. ha.

Okay the pool calleth my name so readeth me later!

neurosis ~ catharsis