my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




this entry is unconstitutional, Don't read it

Thursday, Jun. 27, 2002 - 10:06 A.M.
[editor's note- this was written away from the trusty laptop]

I'm sitting in the food court right now, writing this entry on some sprial bound paper that I ripped from the spiral. Which reminds meof a hilarious book that you have to read cuz I know you'll love it. Its called Youth In Revolt. Its the funniest book I think I have ever read. The authro is C.D.Payne. Go get it.

The day is half over. Already. Which is good. I was supposed to call Wade if I wasn't having lunch with Derek but I'm not having lunch with Derek and I didn't call Wade. I'm not the least bit hungry. Which is kinda shocking being the food loving fiend that I am. Anyway the sky is rumbling and threatening rain. Lightning has flashed several times but it has been thundering for a good hour and a half now. I looked outside surprised that the parking lot wasn't silvery wet. The mall is pretty much dead at the moment, although teh food court, where the food is, there are plenty of people. I'm reading this new book that is supposed to come out in the next couple of months, I'm not sure when, but the editor sent a copy to get some feedback. Its started out pretty good. Hopefully it will stay good.

SO far my day has been pretty uneventful. Went swimming for a bit, talked to people on line and then had to mosey on up to work. I work with Janelle tonight. Which ought to be interesting in a dull oh my god she's teh biggest airhead I have ever known, sort of way.

(here comes the rain. It is raining like crazy. Huge swollen raindrops) The mall's foodcourt ceiling is made to look like a tent covering and its some sort of heavy duty plastic material and the rain sounds thunderous underneath it. You can hardly see the parking lot through all the. Its sorta cool)

[back to regular programming]

I thought I would keep that part of the diary that I wrote while I was at lunch. SO there ya go.

Anyway the rest of the night went alright. Wade came by around 6:00 ish and bought a book and I went down to the food court while he ate some Chili from Wendy's. Then back to work. then I went to go see Derek at Sears. On the way I saw Leroy, his new bf. By the time I got up there, Derek had just got through, not selling the tv to the person that Leroy was waiting to leave. SO I talked to him for like ten minutes and then someone else came looking for a tv on sale. I made my exit. The rest of the night was pretty lame. I called Carolyn so that she could pick up some boxes for her boss, then I came home and talked to wade on the phone a couple of times, talked to some people on line and then the trusty computer froze up. I contemplated rebooting but it was like 2:00 in the morning and I like to sleep sometimes so I just rolled over onthe couch and went to sleep. That was my day.

Can you believe the courts have decided that the pledge of the allegiance is unconstitional. Because some guy decides to use his daughter as a political pawn to get his own personal agenda across. And that is all it was. There was some lawyer on last night on MSNBC, I forget her name,....oh yeah Gloria ALlred, she was spoofed on Rat Race, who was the most annoying woman I think I have ever listened to. She was so full of crap. The newsperson asked her what she would do if some guy decided he didn't like IN GOD WE TRUST on the money we spend would she take the case and sue. She said she would have to look into it. Ambulance chaser! Don't get me started. Unconstitutional!!! You want something that is unconstitutional. Lets look at social security numbers. I mean we supposably have a right to privacy but there is a number issued by the government of the USofA that if anyone has it, can know practically anything they want to know about you Anything. Financial, medical, work history, Anything. This is done through the government. Privacy? breathe breathe breathe. let's not make everyone believe you're some conspiracy fanatic. okay I'm all better. But it still pisses me off. Unconstitutional! idiots. "sigh"

neurosis ~ catharsis