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People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




a day of leisure

Friday, Jun. 28, 2002 - 3:57 P.M.


Season TWO September 3rd 2002.<br>Buy this for me!!!

Look what's coming out. You know, if you were my friend, you'd buy this for me. I'd let you. No really I would. I'd do anything.....okay back up, almosty anything. Some of you might take advantage. Shame on you.
The apartment is all nice and clean. Everything is disinfected and you could eat off the floor. I wouldn't suggest it, what with the carpet fibres lasting as long as they do, but still you could. Anyway. That leaves the rest of my two days off to be reckless and fancy free. Being poor, prevents such fun and debouchery from taking place so I'll have to make due, won't I. Anyway. It was a swell time cleaning. Then I had lunch with Derek. He was hungry already by the time he went to work so he had lunch early. We went to Bennigans. It was good and we talked about our financial pitfalls and the possible remedies. All in all it was a good lunch.


I think living the leisure life could get boring after awhile. I mean a long while of course. But the leisure life would entail lots of money and lots of things so it would take a while before the monotony of it would start to drag. Today I did practically nothing. I went out to the pool and swam and lounged about for a good two hours. It was nice and leisurely. I came in and made myself breakfast, fried eggs and sausage. Made a picture of ice tea. Sat down with a book and read and ate. That has been my day in total. Nothing much else. The tv has stayed off though I'm hankering for some news, though it would have to be the national news at 5:30 and not that crap local news which I hate a great deal. I'll probably watch Friends, but then if all goes according to the unplan, the tv will go back off again. Really television is a bit of a drag right now. All the shows that I enjoy are on summer hiatus and the crap , aside from reruns of Must See TV on Thursday and West Wing on Wednesday, all of it drains me.

I'm contemplating a story in the back of my mind. Its a mystery. Ms Baker and I came up with it. A murder mystery and I wrote the synopsis the otehr day or the one paragraph "the-basics-of-the-story: paragraph and my mind has been working on angles and motives and suspects and such since then. I'd tell you what its about but then you wouldn't buy it, when it came out. So you'll just have to wait. Ha! Evil, I know. But you'll get by without the knowledge. Beisdes with my track record......

Anyway. I'm supposed to have lunch/dinner with Wade. He came over last night and downloaded music. You have no idea how much crap that boy listens to. And tehsad thing is, I have to listen to it in turn. Okay so its not all bad. Its not Delicious though, let me tell you. That song was horrible. Horrible! And you'd think he discovered the cure for cancer when he remembered that little diddy and it starts to play over the speakers and I'm thinking, someonestuck me in a time machine cuz I hear disco coming out of there. AHHHHHHHHHH! But I'm musically illiterate, I don't know good music whe I hear it, but let me tell you this, I hear bad music when I hear it, and I'll just leave it at that. Cool my arse. And so far, thats that. I know, you want my life. Get your own! But read about mine later. :)

neurosis ~ catharsis