my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




its all in the percentages

Friday, Jul. 26, 2002 - 12:55 A.M.
Last night I got a little ont he roasted side. I had a Bacardi Silver before we left as I was waiting on Wade who as usual was running late. Oh we'll leave at 10:00 he tells me. He had a hankering to go dancing so we were going to go to Village. So I had a Bacardi Silver keep me company as I waited. We got there about 11:15 which wasn't so bad. We've gotten there earlier and for a Wednesday night, there was a decent enough crowd of people there, surprisingly. But anyway. We headed straight for the bar. The bartender upstairs always makes Wade's drinks strong so we the minor deities were smiling on us. I had a shot of Grand Marnier and a sex on the beach. They're very good. Then I had another shot of Grand Marnier and then I didn't know what to get so I told the bartender to make me his favorite drink and he did, which turned out to fill up two glasses. One in a juice glass as a shot and one as a mixed drink. I drank the shot down like koolaid. It tasted like Koolaid. And then we went out on the patio with and I drank the other one. I shouldn't have done that. Of course hindsight being what it is, I didn't realize that until it was too late. Needless to say by the time we left, I was way beyond happy. You know the feeling don't you, that extra flush of salty saliva that prepares you to vomit. Well I was knocking on the doorstep. The saliva was there, but I was not going to throw up. Fortunately I didn't. But I was so close. So very close. Made back to the car and wade is telling me I am supposed to help him keep an eye on the road and I am telling him, he'll be lucky if I can keep an eye on anything at all. Next thing I know he's t elling me we're back home and wanting to know if he should come in and wait with me for a while. I shake myhead, talking's not a good idea and shamble to the door, open it, go inside, lock it, strip to my boxers lay on the couch and am dead to the world till 11:00 am. It was a blissful nights sleep. Had a headache when I woke up and nothing sounded remotely good for breakfast so I downed an ice cold coke and called it breakfast.

SPent the rest of the morning reading the secdond book in the fantasy series. A Clash of Kings. Its wonderful too. If you read fantasy fiction at all, this is the series for you. Read it!

Anyway, talked to Paige and Jessica and Michael Z and Sam online all at the same time and then Derek called and we hung out for a bit. He quit his job at Sears. We went out to Lewisville and he looked for job out there. We went to Borders out there and he applied there too.

after he dropped me off, Paige and Wade came over and we watched Royal Tenenbaums. It was pretty good. Not great, but still decent. Course it wasn't Road to Perdition

Anyway. other than that, this ain't much of an entry is it. I mean 70 percent of it discusses my drinks that I had. and another couple percent the nausea and near vomiting that followed. I know that's why I come to read these things.

Right now I amgoing to go out to the pool and soak up as much of those harmful rays as I possibly can for the nexttwo hours. Then I amgoing to go to work and have the most delightful of times. No really. I am. DE-lightful.

neurosis ~ catharsis