my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




this'll do

Monday, Jul. 29, 2002 - 12:03 A.M.
I just came back from seeing (finally) Road To Perdition with my friend Jennifer, from Austin. It was a surprise visit so we did our movie and dinner thing tonight. We went to Cheddar's i.e Chicken Quesadillas and cheese fries and chips and queso for good measure. You hear that, its my arteries hardening as I type.

The movie was really good. The paper, our lowly Star Telegram only gave it three stars, but what do they know, right? The movie theatre was packed with kids going to watch Austin Powers 3 which apparently was on all teh screens on the other side of the theatre. Our side of the theatre was as quiet as crickets. It was in one of the smaller theatres which was a bit disconcerting and even moreso when the theatre didn't even fill up. But the movie was good. The cinematography was beautifully rendered on screen. The ending left me very melancholy.

What would you do if you were in a position that he was in? How would you react at the vicious loss of a loved one. To what extent would you seek revenge, to avenge the ones you loved. I wouldbe hard pressed to believe that I could kill someone. Even for vengeance. But I don't know. I wouldn't want to find out.

Last night I watched The Green Mile. I love that movie. Another beautifully rendered film. I forgot that it made me cry at the end. Those of you who haven't seen it, I recommend it!

These movies make me want to ponder justice. an eye for an eye type of justice. and injustice. Its so easy to cry for justice and how often do we look away from the injustices of the world. It's sad really.

I really should post this entry. i fell asleep last night. this morning the sky is grey and overcast, i have to get ready for work now and i don't want to. I haven't even gotten out of bed. well teh pull out bed from the couch that is. for some reason, believe it or not, my back doesn't hurt when i sleep on it. so i am sitting here right now in the pull out bed typing this. you can imaginehow i fell asleep trying to do an update last night. course i was tired, which always helps. But still. Myshift button on the left hand side doesn't work to weell which is really starting to irritate me. I don't like being irritated. It makes for a long day. And since my day is just starting, it doesn't bode well at all.

Anyway, I wish I had a better entry. This one pretty much blows chunks. Which btw is what I felt like doing last night after I had Cheddars. Usually it is damned good. It went right through me last night though. It was bad. I think it was the chicken. I'll know shortly. As an experiment, i ate the leftovers for breakfast. Well the chicken quesadilla. The cheese fries don't really reheat all that well. Sigh. perfectly good waste of cheese fries. Cheddar's is usually much better though. The cheese fries, were lacking a great deal of cheese, the quesadillas were lacking that special something that makes them the best quesadillas on the planet and my dr pepper had lemon seeds in it. All in all, the worst cheddar's experience I've had in a long time.

neurosis ~ catharsis