my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




i think its the monoglycerides that make butterfingers taste so good

2000-12-09 - 10:20:34

So I don't remember much of my dream last night/this morning. I know part of it had to do with ER, you know the teevee show. three of the nurse, julianna marguiles, the doctor who's father used to be a cop, and the head nurse lady, Nurse Hathaway, they all surrounded this one doc, and were about to bust his chops and all I kept thinking is they are beating up on the wrong doctor, they should beat up Romano. That's all i remember. ER is an awesome show. I usually watch it but for some reason I didn't watch it Thursday. I don't know why. All I know is i was on the computer. I'm sure i was deeply entrenched in one of the diaryland journals and couldn't pull myself away.

You know the day is almost over. Well not over, as its still only 11:00 a.m. but in two hours i will be at work, helping the public fill those stockings over the mantel, picking just the right book for johnny and little suzie, guiding grandma ethel to the video game section to help her find a book on zerfa or something like that cuz she's not quite sure of the name of the game that little billy plays until all hours of the night and Mrs Smith will be in looking for a book her husband saw, about the president and no she doesn't know the name, or the author, or what it looks like, only that it was about the president. "Of the United States," I'll ask hopefully. And she'll laugh a bit and say yes and I will escort her to the biography sections and show her all the Bill Clinton books, or is that George W. BUsh or Al Gore. Hmm quite a quandary. So that will be my day. And I will have to try and sell all these people a book light so that i can win this stupid contest in which the prize is probably a box of cookies. YIPPEE

you know I've noticed while rereading my diaryland, that my TYPING is terrible. My apologies. if I were to stop and correct everything, well I would certainly lose momentum. and we can't have that. But i will try harder in the future, for you, one reader, who is simply annoyed by this.

Today we can officially wear jeans at work. Being the manager I so decreed. Course I've been wearing jeans for the last week. The affects of power on some is incredible. But now we can all wear jeans. let it be so.

Have you ever picked up your keyboard and shaken all the detritus out from under the keys. One of these days I fear i may uproot a migrant family of bugs or something. its fully of stuff. you'd think I was a slob or something. I'm not really but shake out that keyboard and well it leaves one with such an impression.

[in election coverage, the Florida state supreme court has ordered a statewide count of all undervotes to be undertaken with a deadline set for 12:00 noon on Sunday.] I've decided I don't want a president anymore. i don't care who the hell they choose. Draw straws, duel, flip a freakin' coin. Just pick somebody. All the power struggling, is embarrassing. I sent a nice and tactful letter to many of the national news organizations, two weeks ago when they hadn't made a decision as to who the president should be as follows:

November 7, 2000, the United States of America, the beacon of democracy, held its national elections to elect the President of the United States. This we know. What we don't know is why 21 days later an American public must sit and wait in Limbo as two political parties and the powers that be, with their lawyers and representatives, twist and turn the numbers, validate or invalidate the votes, and drain away the very ideals of a democratic election, until one is the winner and one is the loser. When this is over we will have to wait again, and see whether the electoral college will decide to agree with the results, knowing full well that behind the scenes the publicity gurus of each camp are going into full press to sway those electorates to the Right or the Left.

It's a shame that once there is a winner, the loser won't be a democrat or a republican but democracy itself.

Here it is, yet another two weeks later and still we have no president. Both candidates have gone out of there way to invalidate one particular section of the vote, while at teh same time saying that the votes count. Apparently the only ones that truly count are the ones that make him president.

Alright, I understand what is at stake. I mean THE President of THE United States of America. I'd take the job. Pretty sure though, that i wouldn't ever find myself in such a predicament.

oaky i really don't have much more to say. Those relieve sighs will be noted for posterity.

Those of you who feel so moved please Sign My Guestbook

And then



Where do you want to go next?

(hopefully the links will work)

Talk to you people later.

hey i found a butter finger left over from halloween. My day is looking up!

neurosis ~ catharsis