my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




the longest hour

2000-12-10 - 12:21:40
All day I've been looking forward to writing something, any in this diary and now that I am sitting here writing, my mind has completely spaced out on me. I am about as inspired as a day old stale cheese nip. I know you're wondering where that image came from, rest assured your better off not knowing. Especially since not only is it more than a day old and has been like on the floor and has a couple of pieces of lint on there, for comic value alone I am tempted to eat it. But that's just too disgusting. right? Did I mention I was uninspired.

The day was mediocre at best and when I found out we were staying open an hour later at work, my day just went into the crapper. The longest hour since the beginning of time. Granted Jennifer was there to keep me entertained, but still it was the longest hour. its a good thing there wasn't a rerun of on this evening or I would have been in a worse mood.

I did read some Calvin and Hobbes though

There is no better comic strip ever on the planet. None. PERIOD.

I had my but it hasn't helped any. I need to ho to sleep. I'm sleepy. And I'm feeling rather blah. Nobody needs to feel blah.

Oh, a good thing, the DEVIL child was not there today. COurse she did call. I had to talk to her since she is going out of town till Tuesday. I didn't want to but Jennifer and Irene all but forced me too.

I'm trying to make this more interactive, but my html skills are a bit lacking to say the least and there's something about a cgi-bin or something that I need for some of the forms which I am at a loss as to what that means. So until I get that figured out, I guess its just a plain old diaryland with links and such.

I really need to start my Christmas shopping. Its really irritating me.

Oh, another cool thing. My brother, youngest, came up to my work today with young Mr keegan, my nephew. he'll be 3 this May. He is the sweetest coolest most adorable little kid on the planet. And he loves his uncle. (that's me, by the way.

Okay I'm inches away from ripping my hands away from the keyboard and tossing it out the window into the burnt bushes so you don't have to read any more cuz this entry really sucks. Plus I haven't heard from Mel in a couple of days. Its par for the course thouhg. I know she is busy but each day longer it just drains something from me. its amazing the affect (you know I keep forgetting the effect/affect rule) but its amazing the difference people make in your life. But anyway I miss her too much sometimes I think. I keep thinking things are about to change and then they're the same. Not that I expect them or believe they should change, I just want to be with her, spend time with her, look at and admire her,smell her perfume touch her cheek,, well I could go on but where would that lead us? Anyway I'm deepening the chasm.

If the energy wasn't drained from you while reading this diary perhaps you might Sign My guestbook

it was that extra hour at work that took the joy out of me and my journal entry.



neurosis ~ catharsis