my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




christmas 2002

Thursday, Dec. 26, 2002 - 11:01 A.M.
The christmas leading up to Oh christmas tree oh christmas tree, oh how I wish you would shrivel up and die as soon as you because I'm sick of carols and shoppers and at this very moment family. Fortunately for me they're only here till Saturday. I have to work Firday and Saturday so I won't have to spend to mnuch time with them but still. And I can't say that its so bad because it really isn't but I like having my apartment all to myserlf and not having to share it. But again, its my fault. I let them stay here instead of letting them get a hotel. I'm the good son thougbh so I shall perservere.

Christmas was a bit of a let down though. Besides having no money myself to buy gifts for everyone, I didn't receive much of anything either. I know better to give that to receive but I'm of the opinion that that statement was a bit antequated anyway. I want, I want I want, but I didn't get get get......,except from my friends. They do

But that's alright though.....right.

My friends seemed to have made out like bandits. Part of me is envious, but I have to say compared to my brother, (my twin who is constantly at odds with the rest of the family) I got good. But still, I'm a bit envious. Never mind that compared to me, they're still kids. But even when I was their age and younger I never got all the stuff that they got.

I'm glad christmas is over. I want to get a couple of things for some people, whether they want me too or not, but I still want to.

The one thing that I don't like about christmas is that its a holiday best shared with someone. Being single, and yes I know its my own making, still to share the holiday with someone who I care for and love would be much better than spending it "alone".

But I don't want to get all sappy and stupid so I will just pretend it was one of those magical wonderful christmases that I'll remember forever.

My brother is staying with me and its quite the chore, or rather he's quite the chore. Let's just say he's lucky he's my brother.

I went out to my other brother's yesterday for Christmas. It was fun watching the little ones opening their presents although only one of them is old enough to appreciate all the gifts and he did appreciate them greatly. I stayed the night out there and we had a nice dinner of brisket and ham and I stuffed myself completely. I'm still full. Well I could probably eat something else, but probably won't

I'm not looking forward to working at all the next 5 days. But then I'm off Thursday-Saturday, which'll be nice. but that's 5 days away. sigh.

I don't have much else to talk about. I

neurosis ~ catharsis