my fans




People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin

2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression




My pockets hurt

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2002 - 9:19 P.M.
First I gots to say hi to caro who left a smiley face in my notes. That was all, but a smiley face is so much better than nothing at all. SO if you have a second, mosey on over to her place and read her too. Her dad drives a jaguar, course the cat peed in it, but still, its a jag! I mean how bad does that have to be. Of course I supposed I could have read wrong or something, I do that sometimes. :)

Anyway, onto a piece of my life. A boring somewhat mundane piece that entails me going to work, having a blah time working and sellingbooks running back and forth between my kiosks because one girl gets morning sickness, one girl gets rearended on her way to work and one girl father passes away the saturday before and couldn't come to work. Its like it was supposed to be a mondoay or something. Timing's off. I was supposed to work a short shift cuz I worked ten hours on Sunday but then we were a little on the busy side in the store too so I didn't get to leave till 3:00 which technically is a shorter shift, but not short enough, damn it!

Got almost home from work and my mom pulls into the parking lot and drives on by me as I was lugging all the free books that TOR (A science fiction and fantasy publisher) sent me . I had two bags full. SHe just drives on by. But like I said I was almost home anyways. So I let her in the apartment and I show her my final photo project and we agree that my stockyards hotel photograph is stunning and that the others are good, just not great and then we look at the two books she bought. One is about a snowman in the woods which she bought for my nephew Keegan, the other is a book on lighthouses. SHe goes through phases, my mother. Concerning things she likes. She's on lighthouses right now. Before that it was bears. Before that it was owls. Actually owls was way back when I was in elementary school. I made her an owl ink stamp, it was really cool. I was crafty. This was before the whole divorce and she liking my other brothers better than me fiasco that ruined the middle part of my life. LOL okay so ruined is getting things carried away a little, but still. I have issues concerning that still. concerning trust and so forth. But that's another entry all together. Lets not go there.

I'm ready for a little bit of sunshine. No I want lots of sunshine. Especially on my day off. Lots o' sunshine damn it. right now.

I was reading somewhere, in someone's online diary that dammit is supposed to be spelled like that and not two words. what the hell is wrong with you people!?

After my mother left I turned on the tv for my double dose of friends. I could a little chicken jambalaya, which was alright. Its the jambalaya in a box, by Zatarins, and it has tasted better, but I think it was because the chicken didn't have any spice in it where as when I make the sausage it has more kick to it. It was good though. I had two bowls to make myself happy.

Then I lounged around the house in front of the tv, played on the computer, talked to MEL (hi mel), talked to hereisgone who is supposed to come over today with bansporksand even maybe spend the night, unless he changes his mind :grr.

And then I woke up this morning. Well mdmcknight called and woke me up cuz he was going to the bank. He has a tendency to do that. Not that I'm complaining. But just you wait! Tomorrow my new plan with my cel phone starts and its unlimited pcs to pcs phone time. We're never gonna be off the phone. so if you have a sprint pcs phone and I know you, then I can call you al lthe time. It was supposed to start last month but Sprint is a wanker sometimes.

hmm whatelse. My typing is atrocious, even more so since I don't go back and corect the typos. But it makes it more exciting, doesn't it. Its like an adventure. :)

I was watching the Simpsons last night after the second episode of Friends and it was the one where HOmer takes all the tests and he takes the test about how long he is going to live and has a break down when he realizes he has two years to live and they are on their way to Florida and he has a little flag that says MENTAL on it and he looks at Marge and says "My pockets hurt" I thought that was just so funny. I told myself I needed to write that in my update cuz I had started my update when Friends came on and was easily distracted by the tube. Note I didn't say boob tube, cuz everyone who knows me knows I'm not a boob man, to some peoples chagrin. HA

neurosis ~ catharsis